2013 Events Schedule

Started by sihinch, November 18, 2012, 07:35:38 PM

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OK - it's ready!  The 2013 events schedule is on the homepage!  I will be bringing paper copies to the Pilots meeting this week, on Wednesday (make sure you're there!) but you can now arrange with important others when you will be out next year.

I think Les is planning on coming to the skills day, the aerobatics day and maybe jets day!  ;D


Event Calendar link: http://temac.ca/?page_id=298


I looked on the face page and on the Forum and still cant find the schedule..  Am I doing something wrong?
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


No I think I screwed it up. Ben will fix it when he gets back from vacation.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Thanks for putting the 2013 events schedule back...I missed it!


It's updated too. v1.5 for the record (previous was 1.3)


As I day dream more and more about warm temps, sunny skies, and green grass at Rogo, I also think about calm water and good times at the float flying sites  ;D

So I decicided to take another look at the Event Schedule to see if I have any conflicts that I need to push out of the way.  It looks like a summer of fun, but I noticed a small problem...

Jack, I was looking at the tentative dates for the float flying and noticed that most of them are on Thursday evenings.  Thursdays are the one day of the week that I can't do (we do Thursday rides at work).  If you're relying on my boat (at least for Frenchman's Bay) that's not going to work.  Can I request the selection of another day instead of Thursdays?

Also, I'm wondering if weekdays work for everyone?  I'll leave work early on float flying days to make it work out, but I'm wondering if others are willing to do the same.  Plus there's rush hour traffic that can make it very difficult for people like Simon (I'm guessing) or Ben to fight through the city.  Can we get a little input on that subject?

Question:  Float flyers, are week days O.K. to start at 5:00pm? or is it better to schedule float flying on a weekend.

BTW, I plan to float fly on as many weekends as I can this summer, and everyone is invited along at that time too, so if you can't make week days, there will be weekend opportunities as well anyway. 



Reminder to everyone - it's jets day on Sunday!  8)


Quote from: sihinch on June 18, 2013, 08:20:55 AM
Reminder to everyone - it's jets day on Sunday!  8)

I think I may have Elvis' Sabre ready. "If Elvis had a Sabre, it'd be Canadian!" (from RCGROUPS FlyFly F-86 thread...posted by an envious Aussie)


Quote from: Wingnutz on June 19, 2013, 10:24:33 PM
Quote from: sihinch on June 18, 2013, 08:20:55 AM
Reminder to everyone - it's jets day on Sunday!  8)

I think I may have Elvis' Sabre ready. "If Elvis had a Sabre, it'd be Canadian!" (from RCGROUPS FlyFly F-86 thread...posted by an envious Aussie)

Does it mean that only jets with a whoosh sound are allowed ..:)

Andy Hoffer

Hi Folks:

Photos from the War Birds Mini Fun Fly have been posted in the photo galleries section.



Link: http://temac.ca/?p=2179



Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Michael on June 20, 2013, 09:32:24 AM
Terrific photos!

Thanks Michael.  It certainly helps having lots of great eye candy and great pilots to make it possible! Then all I have to do is push a button!  :)

If any TEMAC member would like higher resolution copies of any of the photos just send me a personal message with your email address and a list of the desired images.  Please provide the image number and/or a copy of the link address of the thumbnail photo from the photo gallery page for each photo.



Eric Adventurer

Hi guys
While negotiating my family schedule ;), I noticed that the Bramal-E-Fly is on Saturday the July 13th. Historically I remember Fun Flys to be on Sundays.
Can some-one please confirm that it is taking place on Saturday the 13th.
