2013-59 TEMAC Tickler, Race Final.

Started by Papa, September 29, 2013, 09:50:05 PM

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A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Even though I couldn't make a bunch of the races,  this series was the highlight of my summer at Temac. A big thanks to Jack and the other racers for making it so much fun.

Next summer,  I'll be back. 
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


It sure was a blast and I'm very impressed with how competitive it was.  Great job guys!

A BIG thanks to Jack for making it happen and keeping it exciting with all your had work.

Only think left for me to say is... Next year... no more Mr. Nice Guy!!!!



I would like to dispute the final standings.

As posted there are two second place contestants and a fourth. I propose we have two second places and a third.

I openly accept all rebuttals to this dispute and am bringing it forward independently.

Its been a GREAT season!  Way to go "The dream team" we clubbed the heart out of em!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Big congrats to Ed on a decisive victory. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th are so close, and that final race was such a tight finish I feel like we are all collectively in 2nd. Special shout-out to Glenn for coming in 2nd with a completely reconstructed plane that suffered a severe early season crash.

Nooners were the perfect choice for this race series because they're so inconsistent and nearly impossible to keep dialed in. Everyone was a contender in every race. I also really liked Jack's points structure. Points awarded increased if there was a larger group on a given weekend, and team points allowed for vacations to be taken without ruining one's entire season.

Personally I thought racing was a great experience. At the beginning of the season I could barely stay mentally ahead of my open-class Sunracer pylon racer. Now, at the end of the season, I'm able to manage a few laps around the pylons with it. This is entirely due to racing my Nooner.

Thanks TEMAC Board, and thanks Jack for making TEMAC the best flying club in Canada.



I think everyone else has already said it, but I want to add a huge thanks to Jack for coming up with an awesome race series.  And all those who had input to make it such a success (you know who you are.)  And thanks to all the racers for an awesome first season.  What a friendly, helpful bunch of (secretly really competitive) racers!

I cant believe how much the racing has improved my flying, and like Ben said, it gave my flying purpose.  I really, really enjoyed the pursuit of improved skills.

I would recommend anyone who is interested, and feels capable, to get involved next year.  It really is great fun - the team banter, the friendly sparing and practicing during the season, and the pure adrenalin rush on race days!

And - it's got me designing my own plane, building from scratch, and learning even more about motors and prop choices.  The technology is great fun to me, also.

3 cheers for Jack!  Hip hip, hooray!  Hip hip, hooray!  Hip hip, hooray!  ;D

Then there's the skills challenge - what a blast.  I love this event!  Did I already say that?  It really allows everyone to participate, students with solo privileges, members with park wings, and experienced fliers.  The creativity of events is magical, and the assortment of models that it brings out is so exciting and entertaining.

Sincerely, thank you Jack. :)

Andy Hoffer

Is this guy pumped or what?!!  :o