Geotex Runway

Started by sihinch, October 10, 2013, 08:29:46 AM

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Hi Everyone,

For anyone that missed the pilots meeting last night (sorry that you couldn't make it) I announced that the Board had reached a decision relating to the proposed Geotex runway.  I really liked how I said it last night (even if I do say so myself), so lets see if I can get this right.....

We are 100% committed to a Geotex runway for TEMAC, we're just not 100% ready to implement yet.  We would like to have 1 more visit to Keswick in spring, to see how their runway has faired after the first winter.

The investment (for the runway) is not small - we figure somewhere around $1000 in the first year.  So we want to make sure that we would not be throwing that money away.  I'm sure you all understand and agree with us on that.

In late September, the Board took a trip to Keswick to see and tryout their runway.  It was a blast!  The biggest difference was that it made taking off much easier.  And landing with a tail dragger was possible, but first you had to hit the runway (not as easy as it looks) and you can still nose over. It would certainly add a new dimension and challenge to flying at Rogo-Field.

Running off the runway, on to the grass caused no issue for models, and there was very minimal damage to the Keswick runway in the first year - the only major issue was when a turbine powered model had a metal, trailing-arm undercarriage leg collapse and tear the geotex.  Even a turbine exhaust aimed at the fabric didn't cause damage!

But there are extra maintenance and up-keep considerations.  The runway needs rolling, to minimize worm hills!  Wildlife seems to like the runway and believe it or not use it as a toilet!  And the grass cutting will need to be done with a mower that wont damage the runway.  So all of these mean more cost and effort, which the Board needs to plan for. :-\

In the mean time, enjoy this little video of us trying to land, and see what fun it was for yourself!  ;D

KMAC Geotex Runway Sept 2013


Fun video!  I'm not sure about the flying, but the music was awesome.  I wonder who chose that?... Simon...   ;D

I can see how it would be a lot of fun taking off and trying to land on the runway.  Obviously it was rather windy that day, which must have made it more challenging. 



Great video, as Michael mentioned in the meeting.. ads a bit of a complexity to just landing...

Just make sure you don't aim for the runway, just to land.. you will smash your plane!  ;o)  Very cool!


I would like to recognize our executive for doing the research on our behalf.
Although I'm very happy with the grass field I don't see the fabric causing me any troubles. If it makes it easier for other types of models and makes the members happy I'm all for the change.  An idea I would like the executive to consider is marking out the proposed area with a paint outline. This will give the members a good visual of the change in consideration.  If requested I will gladly donate the paint and time required to mark the field.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


I though the Geotex came with a small ILS system - I was hoping for some traffic lights at strategic corners that will signal the correct approach.
- Is the plan to incorporate a similar sized runway or is it possible to have something larger as this one seems to be quite a challenge, especially after Ed will paint a bulls eye in the middle with a small concrete slab underneath. (The concrete slab is only to maintain the field condition nothing else :) as I guess we'll end up with a bit of a dip inside the bulls eye.
- A second question, how smooth is the transition between the Geotex and the grass edge - is it possible to take off or land while crossing over both surfaces?




Bobby, there is a good transition from what I saw.  I would not worry about that...  It did not seem to impact the Habu or other smaller models.  The drag of the grass will help slow the plane down.  The covering is tucked into the corners a few inches down.   its good IMHO.


I have taken off, flown and even tried to land(not very successfully with my Hurricane...) on Keswick's and North Bay's fabric runways. At both clubs there is a small to non-existent bump as the model transitions from fabric to grass or vice versa but the biggest difference is the change in drag on the wheels. When the model moves onto the fabric from the grass it tends to speed up and suddenly demand gentle, precise control inputs...
For me, trying fabric runways out has been huge fun and I'm really looking forward to the time when I can practise runway landings and take-offs at TEMAC.
I think your paint idea is a great one! I'll help you would give us some idea if the proposed location works the way we hope it will before the location is permanent.


Thank you for the insight guys


Just so you know, the Mississauga Club also has the GeoTex runway and they are a lot closer than Keswick.

I'm going to suggest GeoTex to my club, the Hespeler Model Aviaters.



Geotex will make a night and day difference to models with wheels. For all the doubting and anxiety that one might face, after a few flights off and onto the runway life will be better.

The fundamental idea is not to try to hit it right away, for those not used to a runway, After a few takeoff and landings the eye hand connection will start to naturally guide the model to the runway. From there the pilot will have to develop the proper technique on his own.


Hey Andre,

Where have you been flying from a Geotex runway?

The idea is certainly growing on me like I know it is on most everyone else, and as Simon said at the meeting, assuming some of the concerns are satisfied, we will likely go for it.

Crap... now I have to put small wheels on all my planes  ;D


Keswick. But I have also flown off the Burlington runway, much the same but it was paved.

Andy Hoffer

I'm beginning to understand why we need a geotex runway.

Yak130 RusJet-v2013

(I wonder how many cells you need to do this as an EDF!)

