
Started by sihinch, December 08, 2013, 09:58:46 PM

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Simon is without telephone or internet so he decided to get out and get a few laps in with his new Nooner series racer. Sure looks like he is having fun but I fear he will be at the back of the pack!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


It's true - I am without phone, cable, cellular network or internet at home. But I do have power - so with all this time I am perfecting my Slipstream!!!

One slight disappointment, because I didn't bank on having to sheet the wings, now the balsa is on the airfoil is between 11% and 12%.  Hmmmm.

Will just have to outfly Ed, I guess!


Thats a good looking wing panel, for your first attempt. Is that the same airfoil as the Nooner.
Don't worry about the little extra thickness, keep it light!!! Just fly a tight course.


It's not the same airfoil, no! I chose a different one, just to see if it's quicker! But it's a secret!


Slow progress over the holidays, but I cut the ailerons & joined the wings.  Now I'm just glassing the centre section.....


looking good.... just a question about the beans how do they measure up against Jack's beans?
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


They're the closest to English baked beans that you can get in Canada (determined after extensive testing), so I'd say they measure up just fine!


It may look kind of messy, and not very impressive, but I'm really pleased with it!

I managed to fiberglass the whole fuse and did it with no creases!  I used 3/4oz cloth instead of the 2oz cloth, based on Pikers recco. Then I used some of this "high fill primer" stuff to make it look like this!

Les said when she saw it "I like the way it looks, can you do that with some of our furniture?"!  :o


Cool.  You can see how the primer stayed in the low spots.  Does it feel nice and smooth?


Are you coming on to me Robert?!

It is smooth but I want one more coat of primer and then some more sanding. Then it will get the McLaren Silver paint!


looking good Simon!

so did you use the primer and a sanding sealer?
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Quote from: piker on January 14, 2014, 11:42:16 PM
Cool.  You can see how the primer stayed in the low spots.  Does it feel nice and smooth?

From the Instruction team, an important safety warning:

Never ever say that to a woman.

You've been warned.  ;D
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Oh and Simon, the plane is starting to look good!

Can't wait to beat it on the course this season.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


I sealed the wood with a light coat of DeLuxe materials stuff (water based finishing epoxy type stuff) and then fiberglassed with 3/4oz cloth and 3 coats of WBPU varnish. Then 2 coats of sandable primer for now.

Mike - I may just be happy if it flies, never mind wins races. Don't forgot, I do have a fast Nooner in reserve!


Lots of progress today, spurred on by Greg H. I woke at 6am and couldn't stop thinking about the "next steps" so I got up and started building!  ???

Earlier in the week I cut the fuselage sides to match the wing profile, so that the wing was a little less proud and had a better angle of attack.  I used the Frank VB method of cutting kitchen worksurfaces (thanks Frank!)  ;D

Last night I went to Pinnacle to get some 4-40 socket head cap screws for the wing fixing, and then this morning I drilled the first hole!  I started with the rear hole, because I thought the front would be more difficult (due to the camber.) Getting the hole in the centre of the wing, right where the epoxy was from the wing joint, was tough. And then I went and snapped the rear fixture in the fuse when I was adding the blind nut! :'(

Anway, as all you builders know, you can fix a balsa mistake.  I cut out the remainder of the hold-down, and added a ply version.  Then, on Ed's recco I found some old pushrod guides that would accomodate the 4-40 screws and glued them in to the wing. I think the logic is that it will stop the hole in the wing getting worn and elongated.  I then glued some ply and a washer to the top surface of the wing to help distribute the load.

So with the rear wing bolt finally in place, I measured and drilled the front one. But not until after adding a thin peice of ply to the current hold-down. Again, I added some pushrod tubing to guide the screw through the wing and it all lines up great.  I am a little disappointed about the cap screws sticking up, and being unaerodynamic.  I may ponder that some more.....

Now that the fuse is glassed and primed, with the wing fixture done I cut a hatch in the front of the fuse for motor/ESC access. I used a small magnet and washer to secure it in place.  My hope is that you cant see it once it's painted.  And that's what I'm doing now.....waiting for the first coat of paint to dry.

So, adding my outstanding jobs list (like Michael) I just need to ...

1) servo cutouts in wings & mount aileron servos
2) aileron shaping and hinging
3) mount tail stabilisers
4) mount & hinge elevator
5) add elevator control horn
6) finish painting
7) cover wing
8) set-up RX and radio