Sad news; our friend has passed away.

Started by Michael, September 23, 2015, 08:44:11 PM

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Thanks for taking the time to contact us. Jack was such a great fellow and his passion for the club was nothing short of stellar. We miss him dearly.  The memories that you shared above were definitely what we experienced.


Such a wonderful farewell to our dear friend, Jack.  Carl gave the most heart-felt, touching and wonderful talk about Jack.

And it was lovely to see so much support from TEMAC for our friend and his family.

I'm so proud to be a member of TEMAC.


Cheers to Jack from Halifax.

Sorry I couldn't attend today's celebration of his wonderful life.

I'm glad to hear so many from TEMAC could attend.


Frank v B

A wonderful tribute to a great friend and tireless runner of our club.  I believe around 40 club members showed up.  That is more than most clubs get at their club meetings!
Touching tributes from Jack's son Carl and our own Michael Rogo.  Neat to see members who just joined this year like Roger, Norm, BJ and the Bramalea boys (Ken Wilton, Tony Hayward, Fred Messacar).

"Never trade luck for skill"


It was a sad day today to make closure of a great man.
I only got to know Jack this spring/summer but....
Jack would talk "to you" like you knew him for years.
To see so many of us from TEMAC to represent the club was inspiring
I'm going to miss him...  I wont forget him
Thanks Jack................
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Hey all,
I was away for a couple months and I was not familiar of what was happening to the club. This a terrible news and I'm in shock. He was the heart and soul of the club.
My condolences to the family.


Just came back from vacation and Fabiano told me about this terrible news. I'm loss of words. Jack was an example of a true dedication to the club, and he will be remembered forever. We should plan an event or something to remember him.

Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...


Hi Everyone,

Just so you know, especially those who have been making suggestions, the Board are going to think about what we can do to honour Jack, in terms of naming an event after him or something.

We're not going to rush - we want it to be something appropriate, that will stand the test of time and be a fitting tribute to Jack.

Feel free to make suggestions, but please don't be disheartened if we don't seem to be acting right away.

Frank v B

I notified Ton van Musteren from Holland yesterday that Jack had passed away.  Ton was the designer of the RedEagle power glider 8 of us used for the build class last winter.  Jack and Ton corresponded a fair amount during the classes.

Ton's reply:

"Hi Frank,

Thanks for the email, so sorry to hear that we have lost our good friend Jack, please give my condolences to his family.
Must have been a great celebration of his life, with so many members that showed up.
And great to know that he enjoyed the RedEagle so much."


Frank :'(
"Never trade luck for skill"


What A terrible loss for the team.
I was looking at my Nooner racing trophy and realized just how much of my experience at TEMAC he had a hand in.  Initially attracted to the dome flys and other events I joined TEMAC because of its membership.  I had a perfectly great place to fly but there was no camaraderie no pleasant teasing no challenge to improve or race was ever a possibility.  What a great time i had in the club that i really think has pushed me to not have joined another since.  Pushed me to investigate a carrier in the field and has lead me to many unbelievable experiences. I think secretly Jack masterminded at least in part in his own sneaky way how the club turned out and I hope that will be what survives him.

My hat is off to you Jack and all my TEMAC friends that will be forced to go on without him.  Believe me im hundreds of kilometres away and can still feel the affects of this loss.

Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?

Tom M.

 Though not a member, I've travelled to your club over the years, simply because you've got a wonderful club. And I always looked forward to seeing Jack. I just learned of his death this minute, and it makes me very sad. Jack's warmth, humour and intelligence made him a rare man- as you've all been so eloquently saying, Jack will be sorely missed.

Andy Hoffer

Hi Jack:

Hope you're flying well with the Big Guy.  We miss you ......... 



"Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got til it's gone"

Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi
What could possibly go wrong?

Andy Hoffer

For sure ......

I could feel him quietly critiquing my crosswind landings at the field today ...

It was probably him thowing in a few extra gusts on short final just to keep me on the toes of my rubber boots!   :)
