WTB - Futaba 2.4Ghz FASST Receiver

Started by wollins, February 19, 2016, 12:46:05 AM

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Anyone have one that's new or lightly used that they're willing to part with?


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


There are a few in the upcoming Jack Higgins Estate Auction, March 13, 2016.

Stay tuned.


Just to throw it out there Colin ive been using the "Corona" and "FrSky" FASST compatibles for several years.  Never had a single problem with one of them.  The TFR6 is in several planes and I have found it reliable and a great value available from hobby king.  I do still have genuine Futaba in the super hot stuff but realistically I think this is just added piece of mind and unfounded.  The only thing ive ever heard is to put a drop of glue on the Rx case where the antennas exit as a restraint.  There were some tales of them being pulled out.  Ive never experienced this but I did damage a couple antennas and replacements are available from HK!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Perfect ... thanks Michael. Ed, yeah I hear ya.  I've been using the FrSky recs in most of my planes now but for one specific application I need one of the Futabas ;)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!