TEMAC Racing 2016

Started by sihinch, February 12, 2016, 12:32:43 PM

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I'm starting this thread to gather input, ideas and comments. Please feel free to state hopes, concerns and suggestions.

Whilst I know it will be almost impossible to please everyone, the aim is to develop a solution that excites enough people without annoying most people!

Last year the race participation fell significantly. Jack & I plus a few others discussed this and had some ideas for 2016. At the pilots meeting I shared those ideas and collected some really valuable feedback. Some of the suggestions are almost fully formed ideas, others are not.

I would like there to be racing again in 2016. So that is the first objective. To have a race series.

And I'd like to have 1 series not 2. Jack had lots of experience of car racing, for many years, and he was quite definite that a single series would be more successful rather than diluting the field.

I am proposing fewer official races - like 3 or 4 for the year, so people don't feel as much pressure perhaps to come out almost every other week for a race.  But I am hoping that practice and unofficial racing will still take place, as a result of the common interest (and create a medium for shared fun at the field.)

The Piker class planes were exciting to fly once mastered and provided the opportunity for great racing. But the availability of airframes, increasing cost, design issues and time required to build them was seen as a negative. Plus they were very fast and somewhat twitchy was I think was daunting for newcomers.

So that is a few things against the Piker racers. But a few of us still have them and like them.......

EF1 planes became more popular at TEMAC, and despite being a similar speed they are easier to fly. The are easier to see, easier to build and more readily available. But they are more costly (I'm thinking around $400-$500 Canadian ready to go.) They are designed for an electric club race series, so all the formula, rules and equipment limitations are already defined.

So could EF1 racing be the future? It may give us a few challenges to work out, with the starts and maybe the course size, but it's an option.

Some people suggested allowing a mixed race with either EF1 or Piker class planes allowed.

Then at the pilots meeting we discussed foam warbird racing. Nearly everyone has one (or 2 or 10) and they are relatively cheap. They are easy to fix and replace. But they are foam and not really fast, so perhaps not meant for racing.

So let's hear from you! Do we stick with Piker class planes? Do we change to EF1? Should we mix? Should we fly foam.

My goal is to create a vehicle for people to have fun. To give people a purpose with their flying and a chance to interact with more members. Camaraderie. Sporting completion. Laughs. Advice sharing. Learning. And fun. Fun, fun, fun.

Please - give me your thoughts. (And let me know if you intend to participate.)


As far as Piker class goes, I'm out. My airframe is trashed and I'm not repairing it.

EF-1 holds the most promise I think as there remains a number of ARF models to choose from (Eflite Shoestring, Great Planes Proud Bird, HK Invictus, and the TWM Scarlett Screamer and Outrageous)

I wouldn't be opposed to allowing mixed racing between Pikers and EF-1 for a limited time while pilots transition from one plane to the other. The pikers might have a small edge in speed but they can't hold a tight line if they tried so I think a well flown EF-1 can be competitive.

We would need to work on the rules a bit but I think we can come up with something that works, plus I think we are still doing this for fun right?

Either way, I'm bringing my EF-1 to the field every chance I can get and I'm always willing to turn some laps with the rest of the crew, even informally.

Oh here is some more info about EF-1 for the uninitiated: http://www.nmpra.net/rules/EF1NewRules4_15_2014.pdf
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


i would echo Mike's comments ... it's not because he's a great guy (or my brother)  ;D

my nooner is in the same boat and those corner elves are not fixing it... in fact i think i got my hat to fly further

mixing things up sounds like fun... it's all about having a good time and the more people that can join in the better

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

Andy Hoffer

My beater Nooner is ready to go!  I flew it last Sunday and actually landed it without crashing! The wild in-flight oscillations will make it interesting for EF-1s trying to pass me!! ;D



I have and EF-1 Scarlet Screamer. I like the plane and it flies well. It is not hard to fly by it does keep going wherever you point it. If one banks too much it dives and if one does not bank enough it climbs like mad. So I guess what I am saying is that at my level of ability, I think I would get in the way and maybe even unintentionally take someone out, to both of our loss. I doubt I am alone in feeling this way. I also know there are a lot of pilots who are fully capable of always being ahead of a race plane. Now, Simon, you said that you would not want to run 2 race series because it would dilute the field, as it does in car racing. The difference here is that while it costs 10s of thousands to run a race car, and also usually a full weekend commitment at a track in some Godforsaken corner of the country, in our case, the field is accessible and most people have a foam warbird, and so a second purchase would not be necessary, as would be the case for a second race car. What about considering 2 series, one for the hotshoes and the other for the rest of us. you guys dazzle us with the speed of the EF1s, and we will plod along in our foam Spits and Corsairs. As most will know, racing anything is fun. If you are only doing 4 EF1 races a year, then how about on the  weekends when not doing EF1 there be a warbird race? Nobody has to buy a new plane (well most don't and they are cheaper than and EF1) and also when they hit the ground, seldom are the damaged to the point they cannot be repaired. I think it might be surprising at what the result might be. If the object is to get more people racing, regardless of what airplanes, then I think a "rookie" series makes sense.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

Here's my view:

Background.  I love to race but made it out to only two races last year.  The second one was rained out.  Jack and I flew that race in a coffee shop.
Model planes are my 3rd priority: 1) family 2) work to make money 'cause someone told me I am responsible for feeding and housing my family 3) model airplanes.  I work 6 days a week (run my own business) and try my best to fly on the 7th day.  If my family schedule gets in the way I cannot race. 

Objective: find a simple way to get some sparring/racing in, however simple, that does not take the field away from other pilots for a huge amount of time.

Strategy: Schedule 3-4 races this year and race what you brung.  Agree to turn markers (cones?), forget the pylons we have because they take too long to put up, take down, who stores, who brings, etc.  If four people brought their EF-1's, have sparring races like we did informally last year (no pylons, 10 laps).  They are a hoot.  If 4 people brought a Nooner, let them race in one race.  If there are 4 EF-1's and one Nooner, race together.  We will figure out how to start safely and fairly on the day.
Essentially- decide on the day when we know how many racers and plane types there are. We will agree to a format and go at it.

On scheduled races like last year, we took over the field for an hour so working stiffs, who did not race, could not fly.  Unfair.  This way, members can fly between races.  Keep score of some kind and make them individuals, not teams.  Teams turn out to be unfair because If I cannot make a scheduled race, I am letting my team members down.  I should only let myself down.

No matter what the score is or what happened, we will laugh our way through the day and we will all be gracious if Simon happens to win  ;D(blue moon!).  Let it be training for the real EF-1 races in Orangeville with Ken.


ps: I have 2 EF-1's and two Nooners.
"Never trade luck for skill"


I have a new EF-1 racer, and would like to race it.

I still have a piker-class plane, and would be willing to fly it with others for fun, but if I have to choose a formal race series, I choose EF-1.


Just FYI

The HobbyKing Invictus EF1 plane is on sale right now.

I have one of these and it flies great.

Andy Hoffer

Golly this hurts, but I support Frank's take on this 100%.  (choke, gag, wheeze........ ;D)

I have one beater Nooner.



One HK Invictus on sale in the for sale thread.