Wednesday is coming ....

Started by Michael, May 29, 2006, 05:48:45 PM

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Weather permitting, flying for beginners through experts, from 6pm until dusk, this Wednesday, May 31, 2006.



My arm is getting sore from all the twisting!!

O.K., I guess I'll come out for some nice evening flying too.

See you there.



Did someone say beginners.[:D]  Will be there.
Thanks Robert for your comments. I did go Oakville fun fly. I was staying there for couple hours, taking photos, videos, asking questions (not beginner questions, try not to let people to think I'm stupid), and of course, ordered a cheese burger.
I think, from my limited knowledge, my Cessna is ready set. Not sure it will take off or not. Just need you guys help to double check & fly it for me. [:I]


Rain Rain Go Away ....

The weather forecast is not promising. I am charging batteries at my office in optimism, but I will make a decision mid-afternoon about going to TEMAC.



don't burn down your office--i've heard stories about you and lipos :)

I'll do my best to make it. nothing like a rushhour drive across the 401 to go flying :)

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer


I'm going (please don't rain).



I was there ...

Half way through my first flight the thunder came.

I landed and packed up quickly and then the lightning came.

I drove off the driveway and then the rain came.

Boo hoo ....



Thanks for the updates Michael.  I was hoping for my first flight tonight, but I guess lightening and 6ft antennas don't mix.



Hello Everyone,

What a great day to fly today, Thursday.

I went to the field today, thursday at around 5:30 PM and caught up with Mike Freeman and help him fly his Prairie Dog where we did a few flights.

I myself experimented with my Elektra by using fewer cells.

Park came with his new cessna where I did it's maiden flight for him but was unfortunate.

Rkhoo also came and flew his cessna too.

John G also came and kept us company.

Everyone who came park their cars and left with no Problems.
It wasn't too hot or too cold and with just enough wind to fly and

We all enjoyed it.


So there was a good turn-out on this Thursday evening afterall.  I guess I should have come out too.

Live and learn.

Glad you had a great time.

What happened to Park's plane?



Okay, here is the story.
Sorry to Nestor had such bad experience with my plane. I was first thinking, as long as I'm not gonna to fly it myself, should harm to no one. I was wrong.
Shortly after arrived to the field, Nestor helped do the range check and prepare my Cessna's maiden flight. All brand new electronics & battery, everything looked fine and Nestor decided to hand launch it because of the grass level. The plane ran right into the air without any problem, very stable. Made the first turn and heading back to opposite direction. It was still looking prefect. The second turn, and followed by the third one. When it came before to its fourth turn, the plane lost a bit attitude I saw nose down some how. I thought Nestor was trying to test the plane. After couple seconds, the plane still showed no intention to climb back up. At the other second, it was about 20 feet up, the plane went right straight into the ground.
We walked to the plane & checked all the electronics right at the spot. Everything was still working properly. Nestor said the plane didn't response in its middle throttle.
We brought the plane back to the pit table and test everything again with the WattsUp thing. It was still fine.
I was so embarrassing for what my plane behaves. Nestor said he was never crashing any other people's plan before and he kept apologizing to me. Once again Nestor, it is nobody fault.  I'm truly appreciate you have the enthusiastic to help beginner and have the courage to fly my plane. Honestly, I have no confident to fly it either and that's why I need someone to give it a try. It is me who has to make my apologies to you for your bad experience.
Anyway, the new one is up. I spent 2 hours to transfer all electronic to the new one last night. But I really don't know what to do now. I don't want another "wings" member to have such bad feeling again, on the other hand, I'm not gonna to fly it either.
BTW, first met Ronald at the field & thanks for his advice.


Here is the on board electronics:

JR 6-Channel UL Reveiver,
Hitech 56HS servos all around,
E-Flite Park 400 Brushless Outrunner Motor,
E-flite 20-Amp Burshless ESC (V2),
& Thrunder Power 3s 1320mah Pro Lite battery.

Except for servos, that's what the manual recommanded for the plane. Any comments...anything went wrong you think...tkx


I'm sorry I missed Thursday evening; I debated with myself and decided nor to go. It was a mistake.

Anyway, I didn't work Friday, so I went mid-afternoon.

I flew my 1/4 scale Cub for the first time at TEMAC (what a blast!), and a couple smaller planes. I was alone, but still had fun.

The grass on the field is being cut this afternoon, so it should be fine for the weekend. The pits area may not be mowed, but it should be by early next week.

It may rain for a while, but it may be nice on Sunday. If the weather is decent, I'll go up around 1pm, when the sun is behind the flight line.

I'll make a follow-up post on Sunday morning.



Correction ...  Field update ...

a 50 foot wide strip has been mowed for takeoffs, then rain and thunder started.

This will have to do for the time being.



We will fly with my planes(w/ailerons) next time. I will also have the buddybox too to get you going.