May-den Fest Field clean up day (05/04)

Started by battlestu, May 01, 2019, 04:23:03 PM

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It's that time of the year .... Spring is here!!

We'll start the day getting the field ready for the upcoming flying season. So bring your boots, shovels, rakes, and anything else needed to get the field ready for this flying year! As always Gramham and the other will have donuts and coffee for all that come out.

Once that is done it's may-den fest time! So don't forget to bring out all those winter projects you all have been working on. If you're unsure the model is ready to fly I'm sure one of the members will more than happy to help out and give the model a once over. If needed will also help may-den it :)

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"

Frank v B

Could Piker bring his chainsaw again this year.  Two large branches in the river need to be cut.

Should be fun.  I am going there for 8:30 at Tim's and 9:30 at the field no matter what the weather.  No half milers! 8)

"Never trade luck for skill"


Piker CAN bring his chainsaw!  Any excuse to play   ;D

See Ya'll there!


Who can say NO to Donuts?
Come out and madden your airplanes.
I wont risk bringing my new V900 yet, i will wait for nice sunny and dry day.




It's very wet.... real muddy.... maybe hip waders for the babbling brook
Let's hope it drains by the morning
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!

Ben Rodgers

@all - is this a kid-friendly event?  My 10-y-old is interested in coming out.
per ardua ad astra


Yes. TEMAC events, meetings, and the club itself, are all 'kid-friendly'.


Ben Rodgers

Thanks Michael—I figured, but it's my first cleanup/opening so I thought I would ask.  She can be a bit fickle but hopefully she'll still come out!
per ardua ad astra

Frank v B


Thank you for your help today and great to see Charlotte out there.  Two things:

1) we enjoy seeing kids.  They all learn from flying and nature.
2) re: "Kid-friendly"- we are all trying to keep the kid in us alive. 8)
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

The field clean-up part:

Gerald counted 26 people, including BJ who came early but had to leave early..... after 7 of us met for coffee at 8:30.

The river was about twice the size of any prior year.

We found all kinds of animal scat and then came across evidence that Piker had been around (coke bottle) :D
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

The Maidenfest part.

New planes maidened:
- Simon- new little bat wing so he can bug Michael again
- Glenn's new 100" glider
- Simon's bigger bat wing- refused to maiden for him.
- Bruce's Delta Batwing Warwing Thing flew fine.
- My Electro UHU and DG1000 maidened fine.  The CobraZ motor gave me trouble ESC did not work properly.


"Never trade luck for skill"


Thank you guys soooooo much!
You did an amazing job!
The field looks great, clean, and the runway looks smooth.

The place is still extremely wet, so please, everybody, stay off the runway (don't walk on it) for now, and be careful in the parking lot.

I came out at about 3 pm, and Rob (Pike) and Glenn coached me as I maidened my CL415.

It took off nicely and flew slowly, but was twitchy and tail heavy a bit. After landing, the battery was moved forward a couple inches, and some down-trim was added, and the second-half of the 'maiden' flight went even better.

A nice flight, one OK landing and one really nice landing, and taken home with no repairs needed!  ;D

The model flew much slower than anticipated.



@Frank v B

Re: - Bruce's Delta Batwing Warwing Thing flew fine.

'fine', 'fine', 'fine', 'fine' ?

Thanks for such an overwhelming compliment... 'FINE' - that's all you could say?

Well your glidery thing flew just 'fine'. 
