First Instruction night- Wednesday, June 2, 5-8 pm

Started by Frank v B, May 29, 2021, 10:02:53 AM

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Frank v B

Let's re-start this thing!

Starting this Wednesday, rain or shine, I will be at the field to start limited instruction.  Limited only because our instructors are volunteers and we have to allow them to feel safe.  If that means staying at home then so be it until this pandemic is under control.

Here's to hoping several instructors will come out to help out.

Please make sure any stabilization system (SAFE) or auto pilot program is disabled on your trainer.
We are trying to teach you how to fly and not baby-sit a programmer's logic.

There are several new members so the start is one hour earlier than last year (5 pm instead of 6) and several new members need check flights.

Please remain safe- students on a buddy box must wear a mask, even if you have a bluetooth buddy box connection.  Please double check your radios and buddy boxes before you get to the field.

Here's to a new season of instruction. :D

"Never trade luck for skill"



Frank v B

One more request of capable flyers. 

Wednesday night is a night where students have priority.
Feel free to fly among students but it is your job to stay away from a student's plane.

Also, please do not do fast low passes and scare the s**t out of a student and instructor while they are trying to communicate and concentrate
on their trainer.

Please remember how confident you felt on the sticks on your first 3-4 flights of your first RC model airplane.  ;)   I was there for about 50% of the current membership.

That is the "be courteous" part of our Club's motto.

Thanks for understanding.

"Never trade luck for skill"


My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!


Wow! What a big turnout! (19 cars!)

First of all, thanks to Frank for running the evening.

Thanks to Andy and Phil who helped instruct, and to Mike for helping with programming. And thanks to our 'Ground Control', BJ!

And a big thanks to everyone who wore safety masks, and for being patient with each other. It was a great evening!

A few images:


Frank v B

What a remarkable evening.  Thanks to members who helped instruct- Michael and Philip.  To those who helped as ground crew Mike Veit, Andy (not so vite  ;)) and BJ.
Great to see Paul Scuse do 2 complete flights without intervention (divine or otherwise) and his first landing, new member Max for his first flight on a buddy box, visitor Mike Ng survived the first RC flight ever (he is accomplished RC car racer), Jan continues to race around the sky with his AeroScout.  Jan is close to his solo flight.

Here are the photos:

54- Poor new member Max Sutherland drew Andy as a ground crew.  Max will need a week to recover.
55- New member Noah and Paul Scuse.  Both had flights.
56- Fashion week at TEMAC.  Philip (middle) and Paul (r) praying for divine intervention from the foam gods, conjured up by Loi.
57- Guest Mike Ng had his first RC flight ever. Mike lives in Stouffville and came to us through John's Hobbies.
58- Look Ma.  My plane is still in one piece.  Life is good.
59- BJ sporting his new Tilley Hat
61- David at his control tower station
62- Carlos monitoring the happenings from a safe distance.
66- TEMAC's own prop nut.


"Never trade luck for skill"

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Frank v B on June 02, 2021, 10:06:10 PM
What a remarkable evening.  Thanks to members who helped instruct- Michael and Philip.  To those who helped as ground crew Mike Veit, Andy (not so vite  ;)) and BJ.
Great to see Paul Scuse do 2 complete flights without intervention (divine or otherwise) and his first landing, new member Max for his first flight on a buddy box, visitor Mike Ng survived the first RC flight ever (he is accomplished RC car racer), Jan continues to race around the sky with his AeroScout.  Jan is close to his solo flight.

Here are the photos:

54- Poor new member Max Sutherland drew Andy as a ground crew.  Max will need a week to recover.
55- New member Noah and Paul Scuse.  Both had flights.
56- Fashion week at TEMAC.  Philip (middle) and Paul (r) praying for divine intervention from the foam gods, conjured up by Loi.
57- Guest Mike Ng had his first RC flight ever. Mike lives in Stouffville and came to us through John's Hobbies.
58- Look Ma.  My plane is still in one piece.  Life is good.
59- BJ sporting his new Tilley Hat
61- David at his control tower station
62- Carlos monitoring the happenings from a safe distance.
66- TEMAC's own prop nut.


More correctly, this was yours truly trying to protect the mental health of @Frank v B 's students by exorcising De Vliegende Hollander  It took a huge sustained effort, but the positive results were worth it. 8)


Frank v B

Forgot to mention that the Sportsman of the year award goes to Mike Veit.

When the Club trainer would not bind to the club radio, he volunteered his radio and buddy box so Mike Ng could have the first RC flight of his life.  When the flight was over, Mike Veit tried to set up his plane for a flight but for some reason the throws were cut back to next to nothing.  Unsafe to fly.  He took it home so he could take his time to sort it out.

Mike, thanks for your help. 8)


ps: Mike is one of only a few members who has read the instruction manual for Spectrum radios. ;D
"Never trade luck for skill"