2022 Fun-ish Funfly-Ish becomes Pizza lunch FunFly Sunday Aug. 21, 10am-4 pm

Started by Frank v B, July 09, 2022, 08:39:51 PM

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Frank v B

2022 Free Pizza Lunch Fun-Fly Sunday, August 21 10 am - 4 pm
see Michael's Tickler  https://temac.ca/smf/index.php?topic=8389.0



This event started off as an non-event to get together but it has taken on a life of its own.  Originally I was hoping to get 15 members out for a Sunday at Rogo Field as with the July 1 Canada D'Eh event.

Then came the changes:
- The Board sprung for a free pizza lunch.  Thank you!
- a member donated cold drinks for everyone.  Michael has offered to pay for it.  Thank you...again.
- 4 main hobby shops donated gift certificates of over $300.  Thank you to John's Hobbies, A&J Hobbies, Pinnacle and GreatHobbies.  We now have a total of 17 gifts.
- Paul Hepworth asked me if he could join us for a noontime flying demonstration.  Of course.
- then Gordon WB asked Michael to sell his stuff at an auction.  This event would be the perfect time for an auction since we do not have the usual club meetings.

We are now guessing between 25-35 pilots will show up.  Heck- surprise us and join us.

This is a non-competitive event.  We just want you to come out and fly.  To qualify for a draw prize (gift certificate) all you have to do is complete one flight, however short.  If you fly you have entered.  One entry per pilot.

The draw will happen at 2 pm
The auction will take place right after the 17 random draws are completed.


ps: I would love to see as many Spits, Mustangs, Cubs and biplanes etc. as we can muster.  Bring your favourite plane and have a blast.  I would love to see the 1/4 scale biplanes flying at the same time...Peter, Michael, Glenn, Dave. 8)
"Never trade luck for skill"


Thanks for getting this idea going Frank. The last un-official fun fly was a great success. Temac will provide pizza for lunch and drinks to accompany it. All memebers of Temac are welcome and encouraged to come. There will be no organized events, just a day of having fun flying and getting together with friends. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B

"Never trade luck for skill"


You never fail until you stop trying

Frank v B

Received the first two draw prizes today from John's Hobbies (Danforth and Woodbine). Two gift certificates of $30.00 a piece.  They are even made out to the "Temac Non-Funfly" in the spirit of the event.

Here is proof.

The next post will outline how the draw prizes will be distributed in a non-competitive way.... but you need to attend. 8)


ps: I have been told we will receive support from GreatHobbies, A&J and Pinnacle.
These two from John's are the first ones in hand.
pss- the wrinkles in the certificate and the coin on the serial number are there for people with fancy printing methods and sinister thoughts. The poor photography is to drive Andy crazy. 8)
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

The Non-Competition for the Non-Funfly:

Here is how the gift certificates will be distributed......assuming we have a minimum of 5 gift certificates.

At exactly 11:00 am the entry flying will start.  For every flight of a minimum of 3 minutes, your name will be entered into a draw for the category to which the plane belongs.  The flying for entries stops at exactly 2:00 pm.  At 2:15 a name will be drawn for every category until the prizes are gone.  You can fly any plane any time and gain entries to the appropriate draw.  After every flight that counts, you have to remove the plane from the taxiway/flightline and line up for the next flight.  No hogging a stone.  Please be polite.
If you significantly crash/destroy your plane on take-off, the flight will count and we will supply Kleenex. ;)

The exact categories will be published and finalized on the Wednesday before the event when we know exactly how many prizes have been donated.

The confirmed categories:
1) Spitfire/Mustang
2) Other prop Warbirds (P-47, Hurricane, Mosquito, L-19, B-17, B-25 etc)
3) Any and all Leaf Blowers (jets: the only category in which jets can compete.  Just in case David 3-D prints a biplane with a leaf blower. 8))
4) First year pilots and students who do not have their "Wings".  (You can be on the buddy box if you wish and you can pick your instructor).
5) Catch-all. All other planes.

If extra prizes show up, we will add the following categories (from the catch-all group):
6) Biplanes
7) Cubs
7+1) Bullets with props (no jets) flying faster than 150 kmh (RareBear, EF-1, Nooner, Goblins, Hotliners, etc.).  The fastest plane as judged by the peanut gallery gets an extra entry.

Note: We are still in Covid so please distance. Please wear a mask if you wish.  Do not touch another plane.

When your wife/partner asks what you are doing today, the answer should be..."Going to earn money"   ;D


ps: Everything needs to be fair- when there is an issue I will make the decision and it will be final. :P  (My Jack Higgins training)
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B


Ken Wilton of GreatHobbies has confirmed that he has sent gift certificates for our Non-Funfly via royal mail to my house.  I will report on the value and quantity when they arrive.  Ken could not resist a shot across my bow.  He wrote:

Hi Frank,
I had already mailed the cards, but I did speak with Chris* and I should've reminded him to remind you, that we have stabilizers in stock and can be used to make the people at the field feel more comfortable with your flying.


Is that any way to treat a long time flying friend??? Absolutely!  ;D


* my son
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Paul Hepworth (Canadian F3P aerobatics team, JR demonstration flyer) has just confirmed that he will attend.  He will do a show flight when the pizzas arrive.  He flies large electric aerobatic planes and he flies them very well.

If you think you are a good RC flier be prepared to be humbled.


ps: my connection to Paul- when he first arrived in Canada from England I was asked to give him his check flight for the Club/MAAC.  I passed him just after the take-off when the plane was 3 feet in the air.  The fact that he went to knife edge with about 6" ground clearance may have had something to do with his passing grade.  Great to see he is still active at that level in the hobby so many years later.

"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

News Flash!!!

Just arrived, 4 gift certificates from GreatHobbies.

I am confirming at least 6 airplane categories:

1) Spitfire/Mustang
2) Other prop Warbirds (P-47, Hurricane, Mosquito, L-19, B-17, B-25 etc)
3) Any and all Leaf Blowers (jets: the only category in which jets can compete.  Just in case David 3-D prints a biplane with a leaf blower. 8))
4) First year pilots and students who do not have their "Wings".  (You can be on the buddy box if you wish and you can pick your instructor).
5) biplanes
6) Catch-all. All other planes.

Gentlemen.  Start your engines!! :)


ps: no indication of the value of each gift certificate.  Will get on the horn. 8)
"Never trade luck for skill"


Just got 4 x $25 from AJ Hobby.

Also got a nice lot of items to be sold at live public auction (at the non-funfly), donated by our old friend, Gordon Braun-Woodbury. Details on these to be posted about a week before the non-event.

Frank v B

Thank you Michael and A&J Hobbies. I am adding 5 categories (4 A&J certificates plus the auction of the Cadet Senior). 

Total so far is 11 gift certificates worth $300.  Made up of 3 Gift certificates from John's Hobbies (one pending), 4 from GreatHobbies, 4 from A&J.

The response has been beyond expectations so we are adding the following categories:

1) Spitfire/Mustang
2) Other prop Warbirds (P-47, Hurricane, Mosquito, L-19, B-17, B-25 etc)
3) Any and all Leaf Blowers (jets: the only category in which jets can compete.  Just in case David 3-D prints a biplane with a leaf blower. 8))
4) First year pilots and students who do not have their "Wings".  (You can be on the buddy box if you wish and you can pick your instructor).

6) Biplanes
7) Cubs
7+1)* Bullets with props (no jets) flying faster than 150 kmh (RareBear, EF-1, Nooner, Goblins, Hotliners, etc.).  The fastest plane as judged by the peanut gallery gets an extra entry.
9) Flying boats (with planing hulls, not main floats)
10) Power gliders (Electra, Spectra, Uhu, Ben's 12' special, etc.)
11) all other RC flying objects (planes, quads, helicopters, DLG's, etc.)

Note: We are still in Covid so please distance. Please wear a mask if you wish.  Do not touch another plane.


* in case you are wondering- the number 8 and a bracket shows up as a "cool" imoge. 8)  Sorry for the 7+1 and the math it forces you to perform.  This was not meant to be an IQ test. 
"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

UPDATE  !!!!!!!

Mark just picked up 3 gift certificates from Pinnacle Hobbies.  That is 14 gift certificates in hand.  They now total $405.00. Going to Rogo will be a paying job! (see cartoon)

On top of that is a free pizza lunch.  Now if the guy in charge of the weather comes through it will be a perfect day. 8)  Heck, it is a day at Rogo Field so it will be perfect.


"Never trade luck for skill"



Frank v B

Calling all TEMAC pilots.  Join us for a Caffeine top-up at Tim's Woodbine at 9:00 am on Sunday, August 21 just before the Free Pizza Lunch event at Rogo Field.
We will leave Tim's for the field at 9:30 am to set up before Michael's 10 am start.


"Never trade luck for skill"

Frank v B

Match my planes for a type-fly-by.

I am prepping the following:
- E-Flite 1.2m Mustang
- Cularis 2.4 meter power glider
- Guillow's Skeeter rubber powered ROG plane with E-motor/rc
- 14" span Pitts Special (3 cell).
- Goblin
- Skywriter biplane
- P-51- .46 (5 cells)
- Hammer 15 (bullet with a prop- EF-1 racing motor, 8x8 APC, 4 cells)

Note that the selection of planes are visible in the corn....just in case. 
No camo on any of them.  That's why my 1.2m Spitfire is staying home.


ps: in writing this, I realize I do not have a Cub. :o Somebody bring one!
"Never trade luck for skill"