TEMAC Tickler Dec. 7, 2023: Membership and other news ....

Started by Michael, December 07, 2023, 02:15:06 PM

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2024 Renewal fees for existing members remain at $80. MAAC membership must be renewed prior to TEMAC renewal. RPAS license is mandatory for all members. There are several people interested in joining TEMAC for 2024. Please, renew before March 1, 2024; your membership spot will be held for you until then. After that, we will consider new members.   

e-transfers can be sent to:  temac.treasurer@gmail.com  If you have any questions, or prefer to pay by cheque, please contact Mark at the above email address; he will provide the mailing address to where the cheque can be sent. Membership Applications for existing members is not necessary, but please make sure to let Mark know of any changes to your contact info. 

RPAS license information here:

MAAC information here: 

We have verbally confirmed our field lease for 2024! Yay! 

As posted on our website forum, we have formally (or maybe informally) re-elected the same board members for the next 2-year term: Mark Satin for treasurer, Michael Rogozinsky for President, David Kates for Vice President, and Rob Dickinson for Special-Events Coordinator. Frank Van Beuren will continue as Chief Flight Instructor. 

Please note, that the field is open to paid-up members year round. We expect a busy winter flying season. Also, there are usually a few members who come out and fly on Jan. 1, at about 10am, if weather permits. Watch the online TEMAC forum for posts and other information.


I paid for my 2023 MAAC and TEMAC membership today.

2023 memberships are required to fly as of Jan. 1, 2024.


Quote from: Michael on December 15, 2023, 07:03:14 PM
I paid for my 2023 MAAC and TEMAC membership today.

2023 memberships are required to fly as of Jan. 1, 2024.

I hope you meant 2024 membership.   ;D

