Sr. Falcon EDF Power - Kit Bashing

Started by GuyOReilly, October 22, 2024, 06:44:23 PM

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Bad weather means more building time!
Covering completed.
Need to do:
1- fish wires through the wing for aileron servos
2- glue/epoxy the fin/stab
3- remove green tape
4- glue aileron hinges.
5- make pushrods for elevator, rudder and ailerons.
6- perform mandatory basement taxi test.

Photo #11 shaping wingtips.
Photo #15 wing covered.
Photo #16 assembled. 
Photo #17 other angle, I love the rudder!
Photo #18 and #19 EDF mounting on 2 layers of 1/8 plywood.  The ESCs are on the side, held in place with zipties.



I just had to do taxi tests as per the challenge/request from @Frank v B .

Elevator and rudder need to be installed/epoxied in place. No aileron functions yet, but the servos are temporarily installed.


These 1964 decals were very brittle and difficult to place.
They still add a bit of flair.


Simple task: locate 2 identical control horns for ailerons (done) and 2 more for elevator and rudder...  :-X
Preferably all 4 should be the same, but...


Just put the plane on the scale: 7lbs 3oz.
Power requirement should be around 100 watts per pound so approximately 700-800 if with a brushless motor.
But what about EDFs??    :-X
How can I measure power of the 2 ESC/EDFs?   ???
I know that it will taxi, even at 1/4 throttle, but there will not be unlimited vertical performance with the current setup.


Thé Maiden flight did not go as planned on December 3rd.
The plane was underpowered and overweight.
When I reduced power whilst turning from base to final, it stalled, resulting in an unrecoverable spin and dive.
The nose was buried 3 inches deep.
R.I.P Sr. Falcon with twin EDF.

I tested the equipment and there is some unexpected jitter; there will be a in-depth analysis when I get back from Montréal.

Thank you @Michael for the nice before picture.