TEMAC Snow Squall Flying Report - Thurs Dec 5 2024

Started by Andy Hoffer, December 05, 2024, 02:35:29 PM

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Andy Hoffer

YESSSSS! Real winter with real winds. It's a balmy 1.3 degrees Celsius (not sure of wind chill, but it's probably -6 degrees Celsius).

Winds are gusting to 37.7 kmh out of the northwest.  Takeoff glide (roll) with my Mini-Funtana on skis was 2 ft, followed by a true vertical lift-off with zero pitch angle!!

You have GOT to try this!!  It is HUGE fun and absolutely exhilarating!!

Cheers all,

"Snowballs" Hoffer

Andy Hoffer

Wind update at 2:59 p.m. !!!





No it isn't - and nobody should even try!
Shovelling will severely damage the runway material!
You never fail until you stop trying

Andy Hoffer

The whole field is your runway in winter.  Just put on skis and you're good to go.  A bit tricky with jets, but certainly doable, if a little rough on the aerodynamics!!😂😂


i dont think the f16 will handle it. and the hawk had a little accident at home so no jets for me. im gonna wait till the snow clears before i head out again

Andy Hoffer

Maybe buy an inexpensive 3S2200 capable used prop plane with conventional fixed landing gear on RCCanada ?

Winter is too beautiful and refreshing to spend hibernating.  And flying on skis is really neat - they make rooster tails and wakes in the snow.  I can help you with rigging the skis with rubber bands and string tension lines.  DuBro makes excellent inexpensive skis which I have used successfully on several aircraft.


I can't I'm completely done with spending money on flying until like mid summer. Not only did I buy the f16 I bought 4 6s 5000 batteries. No extra cash. If I had some more money I might get a baby habu

Andy Hoffer

Well, have a good winter repairing stuff and maybe even scratch building in the basement.  Wishing you and your family a beautiful Christmas!



Andy Hoffer

Hey Noah,
As of 3:55 pm today (Friday Dec 6) the runway is clear of snow. Winds are WNW at 15 gusting 25kmh!! Sky is overcast.

Andy 😎


i might try for friday

if snow doesnt fall until then maiden is gonna happen


Skies are on!
Ready for a take-off from the snow.