TEMAC Flying Report - Friday Feb 7, 2025

Started by Andy Hoffer, February 07, 2025, 02:32:22 PM

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Andy Hoffer

Beach Day at TEMAC!!

Temp -5C, windchill chill -12C

Wind WNW at 28 gusting 38 kmh

Sky clear, scattered cumulus moving in from the north

flight line occupancy: 20%

Flight activity: unlimited aerobatics, crosswind Heaven, "Heli" landings

Gotta LOVE it!!  😎



Still fully snow covered Andy? I have to get the f16 up in the air soon to test some stuff

Andy Hoffer

Definitely still covered.  Especially after last night's 6" dump.  You need to get a plane and put skis or floats on it.  It is so much fun.  All you need is warm winter clothing!!

Andy 😎☃️❄️


I want to get a twisted hobbies yak 55 32 inch for a winter plane. Itl be fun and I can fly it with the snow.