Saturday May 29

Started by thehaze, May 29, 2010, 12:20:34 PM

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Anyone thinking of going to the field this evening?
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


It's windy, but I'll be there mid afternoon.



Way too windy!

I was there, flew once, and that was enough!

I'll be there on Sunday, about 1pm for most of the afternoon, if the wind is reasonable.



I was there this morning until 11:45.

It was 20km/h gusting to 25 or so.  Plenty of thermal activity once I got high up of 500ft plus.

Got suck into a giant thermal for about 11 minutes of so.  Just maintaining ground position while rising, so I sat then lay down on the field to enjoy the ride, cool!

When I can only see the wing but not the fuse of my 2-meter job, I took her for one mor circle and added 3-click don trip to leav the thermal.  Well, 3's not enough so I added even more down to come back.  Then she started to decent, all is good but she is gaining speed.  So I back down my down trim but she did not slow down.  Humm, may be a bit of up elevator...humm...she is maintain corse at 45 degree decent and gaining speed.  By this time, I stand on my feet bth both hand holding the TX.

I once heard sailplane pilot morned about the dreaded elevator-failure-when-you-crossover-the-design-airspeed.  In those stoires, the sailplanes are travaling so fast that the elavator seems unable to lift the nose up.

That would be a horrible crash, which bound to happen in 10 seconds.  Rudder still works, so radio is cool, but why the eleavtor is not doing anything.

Then, the plane starts to slow down, still maintaining course.  Must be the draggie aitframe that helps.  The eleavtor starts to works and there she is lined up for a pecfect land at my feet.

What a ride.

Andy Hoffer

Sounds like a you had a really great ride, Richard !!  Did you try knife edge then nose up with rudder or a forward slip (ailerons with opposite rudder) to slow the decent?

I was out from 4:30 to 5:30, winds 320 (slight left crosswind) at 12 knots (22 kmh).  Great helicopter decents at half throttle and very short rollouts on landing with my E-Flite Beaver.  LOVE IT !!

Tomorrow is helping out on the ramp at the Wings and Wheels Heritage Festival at the Canadian Air & Space Museum in Downsview Park.

Lots of great photo ops expected.

Andy Hoffer