Hey guys i lost a nylon pin

Started by fearless, May 30, 2010, 11:26:18 PM

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If any found a nylon pin let me know plz..(it attaches the fuse and wing together)
i lost that piece now i can't fly : (



Originally posted by fearless

If any found a nylon pin let me know plz..(it attaches the fuse and wing together)
i lost that piece now i can't fly : (


Dont know what size it was, but they sell a lot of nylon screws down at Home Depot. You might be able to find the right size, and if not there, Pinnacle stocks some as well.

Or you could just use a metal one, keeping in mind that if you hit a wingtip or something you will be more likely to rip the wing mount points out instead of breaking a screw.