April 3 Flying

Started by thehaze, April 03, 2011, 04:40:45 PM

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The weather turned out way better than forecast for today. The winds were light but variable, and the sun even managed to pop out for a bit. There were a few other members out at the field (FYI stay off the grass with your cars)

I only brought my Stryker and my Formosa out as I was being a little cautious (no sense in loading up the car if you don't get to fly) with the conditions.

Flew both planes a number of times and the Stryker didn't show a hint of rust on it as it went back to it's usual routine of loops, dives, and speed passes.

Man did it feel good to fly outside! Hopefully this is the first of many fantastic days at the field.  ;D
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.

flying saucer

We got lots of flying in today! Even a few maidens for Michael (videos to follow)

Had a slight mishap with one of my planes but ended up with not a scratch on it :)

I think ill leave the 3-channel planes to the beginners and grab a Cessna  :P

Here is one for now
