Re-maiden: Hobby TopGun Mig 15

Started by Flying_Saucer, July 02, 2012, 10:43:28 PM

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flying saucer

Well on Sunday Ronny finally got a few flights in with the big Mig. This is with a new setup using an RC Lander Fan and motor combo (5 blades)

Video: Mig 15 Big EDF Re-Maiden Mit 10S



looking good! ... and ready for the jet rally


Nice going Ronny, All that perseverance paid off
Terrific sound and great landing.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Ronnie told me today that the plane is overpowered, and he is going to reduce the power to a 6s battery pack.

The plane is beautiful, and will probably fly even better!