86% Pitts Python

Started by Ex14th, October 23, 2012, 08:55:40 AM

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That's quite the sight. The prop is variable pitch! My only negative is, if you spend so much time effort and money why not do a full cockpit and canopy?

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


You could do free rides for the kids.


I would have just built the other 14% !!!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


I think there's always this little boy we have in our heart. Getting a full scale pilot licene, and also progressed to an aerobatic pilot takes a lot of dedication.

We all persued in wealth making (or at least trying to make ends meet in a lot of cases). By the time we have the luxury of going into full scale, the clock might have gone past, and do not have what it takes to progress to flying a Pitts Special.

I for one, will never be able to get to that stage, hence, flying model airplanes, and put put around, and if I can take off and land on the same flight without incident, that's a good day for me.

So I can understand why people go to that extend of flying big scale models, but 86% is to point of being silly, I agree.

After watching that clip, now I have to paint my spinner black.

Best regards,



very true .. but watching that video and seeing your Pitts is getting me thinking of next years winter build

"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"
