Spring safety WARNING*This post contains photos that might disturb some viewers.

Started by Ededge2002, February 23, 2014, 06:45:13 PM

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With spring around the corner and lots of models being completed in the off season I figured I would be that guy and remind everyone to have a safe and fun season.

I previously had a little mishap a year ago and figured I will take the pain and be the safety poster child.

I had my radio standing up with the battery plugged well I was standing in front of the plane.  When the radio fell it went to full power and I was immediately in a battle with the plane.  The plane with just 400W won.  I lost with several stitches and a foot that felt like it had been beaten with a baseball bat.

Recently I stumbled upon a post about a guy reprograming his new plane with the prop still on.  He too had a battle with the plane and it did a serious amount of damage and could have been fatal!


Im not trying to be a critic just think a painful photo can be a reminder of the grim consequences!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?

Andy Hoffer

Excellent post, Ed! 

When I was learning to drive in high school, the class was shown a graphic movie called "Mechanized Death".  It was produced by the Ohio State Police in Mansfield, Ohio.  It pulled no punches as to what could happen in a car accident.  Straight raw footage of accident scenes, many with fatalities.  I NEVER forgot that film or its important safety messages.  Your safety reminder on RC aircraft and the potential hazards they pose if not treated with respect is well taken and the reminder is very timely.

Thanks so much.



That's gross!  Was that foot incident only last spring?  Wasn't it the TEMAC FF the year before?

Anyway, great reminder.


Yes Robert my foot injury was from a couple years ago. You witnessed just how quickly it happened!  I admit I got complacent and failed to follow proper procedures and was given a reminder. I posted this just to remind and look forward to a great season ahead.  Thanks Andy I'm glad you too see what I'm trying to accomplish here.

I can not wait to look out my window in the morning and not see a fresh layer of snow on my car!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?

Tom M.


You know Ed's pictures and comments are great reminders of the result of a momentary lapse of attention.
They are also graphic warnings not to take chances.
You will notice that the most severe injuries happen to our most experienced members.

If we live by the maxim of being our brothers keepers we might help avoid these situations.
When you see someone chancing it and doing something stupid, speak up.
If you are doing something stupid and someone points it out, stop. You may avoid being the next Poster Boy.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Tom M.

 These days most Tx's have a throttle cut or lock function- check the manual or search online to enable it on your radio. This way the model can be completely readied for flying but then effectively desarmed with a flip of the switch, eliminating the chance of a bumped throttle accident. Maybe put a piece of red tape on the switch as a reminder to use it until it's a habit. This, combined with always removing the prop when testing on the bench and instelling an arming plug or switch on the airframe for the flight batteries should greatly reduce the chances of an incident.


  Wow, Ed a very good reminder, the tip speeds are extreme and do a lot of damage to flesh in the blink of an eye. I too have felt the wrath. Helicopters and ducted fans also need to be handled with care.
  Tom, There was a guy on R/C Groups last year that spun up a ducted fan in controlled conditions in his basement. I am not sure if he was blinded permanently, but the photo shown was of a man with a damaged cornea and no obvious pupil. He was wearing safety glasses too, but the impellor blades broke the eye protection and penetrated...yikes