TopModel Grafas 3.1 meter e-sailplane

Started by gordonbw, February 28, 2014, 08:18:35 PM

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Whoa, I think I just found the answer.  Should be able to build this for unde 20 bucks... 


That is SO cool.  I may need to try that out, too.


Yes!  Good idea using the feature in the I-phone and a bar clamp.  Cool!

Just make sure the V cuts are symmetrical and the center line of the V cuts are the same distance, and parallel to the clamp rail.  Should work well!


BTW, @gordonbw , why are you concerned about the incidence?  Does the sailplane have a full flying stab?  If so, I understand why.


Yes, full flying stab, and I don't really trust my eyes...


Finally got this thing flying today, after a crash in June that I feared was terminal. Fortunately only one wingtip was damaged beyond repair...Icare was able to replace it within three weeks.  Glenn was, as usual, really helpful in getting the sailplane trimmed out. It is a truly gorgeous bird... and big enough to see clearly at great height. It's great having so much power and fine control available.  The flaps are extremely effective -- when they are fully extended I can dive quite steeply without gaining any speed.  I have set it up with acro programming (throttle on the stick) rather than sailplane (flaps on the stick). Tried the sailplane program; couldn't get used to it -- I kept lowering flaps when I wanted to cut throttle. 

Very happy!


Way to go Gordon. Great of you to persevere and have such a happy ending to the journey.


A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Congrats Gordon. Great to hear its in the air again.  :)


Glad to hear it flew well.

Hopefully, I can see it next time.


Nice work, Gordon.  I'm glad it has worked out well.  I look forward to seeing it fly!