Parkzone t-28 modifications

Started by patchwork, August 30, 2010, 07:54:18 AM

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Yesterday, I finally maidened my t-28 trojan with some new stuff.
I decided to install a new power system which included the motor, ESC, and prop. (also added a Pitot Tube for fun)
The stuff i used:

The flight turned out great! the pitot says it was going 116km/h on a dive, so its fairly fast.
The Electronics were a little warm with a 2200mah lipo but it wasn't in the redzone so i will continue pushing it and see if i can fully review the motor. (reviews werent the best on HK)
the plane had more or less complete vertical preformance so thats good.

   Some things that arent very good are that the motor weighs more, so it makes it quite difficult to pull up unless on high rates. The firewall thrust angles also make the plane have a dendancy to go down so i have to compensate for that.
 I will have more on this stuff when it gets some more hours on it.


flying saucer

Yes that was a great flight, also good to see what a Trojan is really capable of! Even though I just got mine, I think I will do a motor upgrade as well for next spring (keep us updated on how it performs)

P.S. From what everyone has told me, a 2 blade prop will yield better performance, might be interesting to do a comparison speed test :)


Originally posted by byrocat

Not used outside of rubber free-flight due to the speeds and stresses involved.

EMFSO Formosa Racing #00

Also used in control line speed, where they spin at >40,000 rpm and pull the plane at 300 kph[:D]
Lots of speed and stress there.

Pat MacKenzie