Flying September 12th

Started by ClarkY, September 12, 2010, 11:36:19 AM

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Hi. The winds seem to be calm and I think I am going to TEMAC around 2pm. Hope to see a few others there.


Hey Tracy!

Did you go?  How was the flying.  It has been a long time since I've been out flying.  Gotta do something to change that  [:)]



I went at about 6pm ... excellent conditions ... so after four warmup flights with the foamie, (Formosa [:)]) I maidened my Yak!

Went well ... three more maidens (well two are RE-maidens)to go before Beeton. [:D]



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Me, Brian and Greg are planning to fly Wednesday. I'm planning on being there around 3:00pm.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Hi Rob. I did go flying!  There was one other flyer and another spectator so I was not alone.

Somehow the rain held off and the winds stayed calm [:)].  I took 3 planes and flew all of them. I first flew the Mini Challenger. The flight was fine but next time I am at the field I will ask someone to trim it out for me. The tracking was not straight.

Next up was my Zagi. Its more than 10 years old but its still my favourite plane.  Had a nice long flight.

After that I maidened my Easystar.  I prefer to have someone else maiden my planes but the winds were calm so I gave it a try.  I quickly found that my rudder had no authority and I let it come down in the soya beans which cushioned it.  I did not bring any tools with me to change the hole that the rudder pushrod was connected to.  So I gave the rudder some exponential so that its effective sooner. Did a quick test flight and it was a bit better.  But I broke the motor mount on landing and that was it for the day.   Should be a fairly easy fix but I will have to make it stronger next time along with fixing the rudder.

All for now!