Hobby King Orange RX (Range Test)

Started by Gregor77, June 20, 2011, 07:55:17 AM

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A few months ago I had my GWS ME109 nail the North east corner.   I originally thought it was my battery losing it's connection to the ESC.  Friday I lost signal to my GP P47, but saved it, thinking it was an over heated ESC.   Last night I was at the field with John and lost signal to the GWS ME109 again.   This time we ranged tested the orange reciever and short range didn't even get past 16 paces.   I am hoping that this is just a bad RX from the king. But Please range test all RX's in the future.   I have a feeling that the P47 RX might be the issue and we will be testing it shortly.  Now I am concerned this might have caused the Spitefire to go down also as it was rougly the same distance from where I lost signal to the GWS.

flying saucer

Thats about the same range I got with the fake 6110e rx from target hobby, worked ok, but had an occasionally brownout which would last anywhere from 1-3 seconds. On nicer models i would expect a range check of at least 30 paces