data logger flight of Kens Yellow test mule

Started by Ededge2002, August 28, 2011, 06:48:35 PM

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I figured I would post these logs so if anyone had interest they could take a look!

these were captured with my "eagle tree" datalogger in flight.

pack low volts   =  16.96V
High amps        =  53.11Amps
mAH total         = 3030mA
High Watts        = 994W
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Thanks again for the use of the Data logger and for posting the charts. It would have been better if I had pulled a manouver on a certain
time line as in your initial post so that's something I'll try when I get my version but quite interesting all the same.

This power set up should do quite well in my pattern style plane.

