SN Hobbies, Dynams will be available to order at 1:30 our time

Started by Gregor77, October 24, 2012, 12:38:57 PM

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I have been waiting a long time for SN hobbies to re-stock the Dynam planes.   Looks like we will have some new models to the line up this round.   New Dynam FW190, ME262 and Corsair.  These are the same planes that Nitro Planes is offering.  SN Hobbies is in BC, not local but still Canadian.

In the past you pay the taxes and shipping.  At one time they had free shipping and it was amazing!  But I don't think it is avaialble right now.  At least there is no UPS fee's etc this time.

Anyways, I always try to buy local and love the guys locally, but they don't carry these planes and I would like to see the $$$ stay here the best we can.  These are the same planes that Peter / Simon / Cliff and a few others have been flying.  They are around 1200 - 1400 mm and can run on a 4S, all the planes come with electric retracts that work pretty good unless it is -1 outside and then they start to fail.  But they are strong!

Anyways, I have delt with SN in a few matters and they are A+.  They do a great job packing everything and the customer service is great!

I am still debating which one I want!  I wanted the BF109, but might go with the ME262.  But you know what happened last time I tired one... I am still vacuming foam bits from the back seat of the truck.

Have fun, fly safe and see you all tonight at the 3 monkey's!


Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.

flying saucer


Posting a link may be helpful so that anyone may quickly find the correct web page.



Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Can you get that application for my Job?

I got the Corsair!

I wanted something I can chase you around with Mike!

I wish they had a Zero that size in EPO, that would be great!


Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.



Looks like the plane will be here today!   :P

You know what that means!   It might be ready for this Sunday!  ;o)

I also ordered the 3 axis gyro from the King.  I have never used one before and it might be interesting to try it on something.  I was thinking the GP DR-1 (Same as Ken Ross).  It might help it a bit.


It showed up in excellent condition.. well the packaging is great.  I have not had a chance to open the box. It makes for a long day staring at it under the desk. 

I was really considering the parkzone version as the first one was so much fun... But I passed the fun to John M.  The difference was that the PZ version was smaller and would have been more $$$ to get in the air.  Plus the E-flite retracts add another $100 to the plane.   Even though I have little faith with the dynam retracts, they will work 75% of the time. 

This is a good canvas for some paint chipping details and some exhaust smoke here and there.   I can't wait to put it on the board!


Well.  I had an interesting event with corsair.  Battery ejected on maiden. Lol. Landed hard and broker wing. Retracts are both stripped.  It was very slow motion.  It's fixed. But now have to wait for parts. 


Sad to hear.
Do you have anything else ready to fly? 

Seatbelts save lives!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


It still flies.  But the cool factor is gone. The rotating retracts were very cool. 


Sorry about the misshap - how did you manage to lose the battery.
If I remember correctly I saw you fly a plane in the summer with the battery hanging.


I was trying to relive that moment...

I used a 4S3000 in a plane that could take a 4S, 3600, it was not the best fit.  Most of the dynam planes have a small support that holds the battery in place.. this one did not.  But of an oversight on my behalf... But the plane is fixed and looks OK in the air.. lol!  >:(