2013-11 TEMAC Tickler, Scratch Build Course

Started by Papa, March 05, 2013, 11:32:33 AM

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A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Congrats to eveyone involved (and thank you to the Instructors & Organiser!)

It's great to see this become a reality.

Greg C - how long will it be before your finished plane is for sale?  ;D


Very cool. Best of luck to all the students.


As being the first of the classes, it was off to a good start.   We covered lots of materials, mainly getting the work surface prepared and selecting your tools.   There was some good discussions on balsa topics, different grains and what to look for.  We covered glues, etc.

As for what I am building.. the Norseman looks great, I already have a Beaver which is very similar and in theory the course could cover both planes.

Looking forward to the next one...  Better run to PIN and grab a kit!



I really enjoyed building my Elder (it's been several years since I built a balsa kit), and am really excited to fly it, and am seriously considering building another good-size kit next year.

It will be great to see newly built balsa models fly at TEMAC.



Building a balsa kit is so satisfying!   It's great to see a renewal of interest in this side of the hobby at TEMAC. 


Yes.  This is awesome.  I too am so glad to see a renewed interest in building model airplanes within our club.  From WWI models, to modern aircraft builds, to customization of ARFS, to Nooners, to this very cool building class endeover.  Great job, Jack and Gang!


Andy Hoffer

I'll bet the class can hardly wait to hear Greg C's lecture on cat control during paint finishing operations!  :)