Kept my reputation

Started by Ex14th, June 08, 2014, 07:53:58 PM

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Well, they don't call me 6-second Alex for no good reason - I always crash within six seconds after take off, and all the wreckages in the basement attest to that.

Anyway, we had our first fun fly at the Toronto Club yesterday, flew my brand new 6S 27% Yak 54 but things actually went well on the first flight. I actually managed to land on the new GeoTec runway and brought it back to the pit. And I thought the jinx might be over, ain't so.

Registered my flight with the field officer for the day's price draw, and proceeded to reload another pack. Took off, and went vertical, doing knife-edge from right to the left field. Feeling good.

Turned around and k-e from left to right, and people were shouting and cheering that the smoke show I turned on was awesome - a trail of white smoke was tucking nicely behind as I was flying across the field.

Then it totally lost control, and the rest as they say, is history. Amazing, the 100 amp HV esc (no name mentioned to protect the innocent) basically totally burnt itself, and left the wires to the battery dangling.

Oh well, now I can safely claimed that 6-second Alex title again.

Never say die, tomorrow is another beautiful day.



Sorry to hear about your crash.

P.S. I was going to make a witty comment about your nickname, but I figured I'd let @Ededge2002 have the honour of making the first crack at that.  ;D
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Ed knows, and he is also aware that I cracked up my SeBart Angel 50e on its maiden (less than 6 second that time, my own record), but I didn't have the heart to ask him to repair it, because the pieces I picked up from the crash site was too small to make a constructive re-build. May be I should pick up flower arrangement as a hobby.

Ed has always did a fine job in coming up with some very inspiring comments. Patiently waiting Ed.
