More Wednesday flying ...

Started by Michael, May 30, 2007, 10:00:38 PM

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Several guys came out Wednesday (May 30, 2007) to fly.

Here's a short report and 5 photos.

If any TEMAC member has not received the May 2007 Newsletter, please email me and I will send you a PDF version by email.
[email protected]



Dang!  Missed another one.  Too busy trying to get Sandy ready for a test flight.

Oh, and charging for Oakville.



Test flight Saturday? [;)]



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!



I thought Oakville was Sunday? or are you testing on Saturday and if so where????



Oakville IS Sunday.  I plan to get up early and test Saturday morning before the wind starts to pick up.

It'll just be a quick outing at 6:00am for one short flight.  Hopefully not TOO short.  [:)]

Who knows.  I may have glitching, or some other technical problem that will need to be solved before the flight.  We'll see.

Thanks for your interest everyone.

I'll let you know what happens.



Good Luck,

The Marine forecast looks good so I'll wish for low wind and tiny waves.




It's 11:00 Friday night and I just powered the four motors up for the first time.  Everything held together and I was impressed by the power.  And there was no sign if glitching, which I'm really pleased about.

I just need to adjust the CG and it'll be ready for a test flight.  Far from finished, but all the bits are there..... I think.

I'm hoping for NO wind and NO waves.  Dead calm is ideal.



Good luck Rob! [:)]



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Well, the flight didn't happen..... not yet.

I arrived at the beach about 6:10am with Brett (a neighnour kid and friend of my son's....... my son couldn't be bothered, but Brett wanted to come and see and help out), and about 10 minutes later, John W showed up.

I put the plane in the water and, besides the fact that it didn't sink to the bottom, I noticed that the tip floats were both in firm contact with the water.  This is not a good thing as one should be free of the water while the plane is at rest.  The length of the float struts was a guess, so I'm not surprised that they'll need some adjustment.  The mounting for the float was really very delicate and I anticipated a problem.

I tried taxiing to see if I could control the plane on the water without differencial throttle control as last night it didn't work in the shop.  I couldn't steer the plane without it, so after a bit of botton pushing I had it working well.  The two inboard motors were mixed to the rudder (when a certain switch is switch on) while the outboard motors just ran straight.  

I did a couple of hydroplaning attempts and found that there was A LOT of spray coming from the hull.  I expected this, but I'll need to add some chines to deflect the spray.  During a more agressive attempt a tip float caught and the strut broke.  Trailer cap boat to the rescue and that's all for this week.

I'll use carbon rod as float stuts which will be MORE than strong enough.  A fairly minor fix.  I'll add some subtle spray rails/chines and see about a test flight next week.

One other concern, that again I anticipated, was an apparent tendancy to porpose (sp?).  I don't know at this point if it'll be a problem.  I'll probably try to sharpen the step a bit.

Anyway, that's it for now.



Was it watertight or did some of the spray work it's way inside?



Ya know.  I never looked.  I didn't notice any water inside while dismantling it and now that I look inside the hull I see no evidence of there ever being water there.  Still dusty.

Not bad considering I took no steps, other than a clean fit, to water proof the seams.



Another nice evening yesterday.

I saw Eric, André, Nestor and one of our newer members, John, all flying.

Other than a mild but sometimes tricky west wind, the weather was nice.

I went home with ZERO repairs needed; 8 good flights.



Another great evening - about a dozen flyers and perfect weather!
