TEMAC funfly

Started by Michael, July 16, 2007, 03:11:18 PM

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I'd like input regarding a TEMAC fun fly on the long Labour-day weekend, Sept. 1, 2 and 3. The Beeton fun fly is Sept. 15, so I wouldn't want a TEMAC fun fly to be only a week before.

I'm open to suggestions, as to which day(s) it can be held, whether there should be a charge, or whether it should be free to any EMFSO members.

Here's the catch ...

I've almost single-handedly run every previous TEMAC funfly – from preparing posters, getting prizes, arranging the portable toilet, buying food, preparing the barbeque, collecting money, and cleaning up.

I'm unable to do it all this time. I'm willing to help and willing to advise. I'll be missing the York and Beeton fun flies, and would actually like to do some flying at a TEMAC fun fly.

I'm asking other members to step forward and accept some of the responsibilities. There will be no financial cost to any members as TEMAC will pay for any expenses, but you will have to donate some time and effort.

If this doesn't work out, we can agree to have an informal (and free to any EMFSO members) long weekend of "end-of-summer-flying", with notice simply being by word of mouth. I can still arrange for a portable toilet for that weekend, but no food arrangements would be made by me.

Input please...



Maybe I'm getting lazy in my old age, but he's what I'd suggest.

Any day that long weekend works for me personally.  I'm sure I'll be in town.  I can see why you want to pick that weekend as it's between the other two events you mentioned.

I don't think posters are necessary as the E-mails and newsletter (if there'll be another one out before then) will cover most of the likely attendees.

I don't see anything wrong with keeping it casual and suggesing that people bring their own lunch.  It's probably healthier that way anyway [:)]  Another relatively easy solution is to order pizza like Bramalea.  We did that the second year at Richmond Hill after barbequeing the first year (I had to dismantle our BBQ and carry it on the roof racks).

And I wouldn't bother with prizes.  They're a nice touch, but not necessary.  All you really need to do is provide perfect weather. [:D]

And if there are no major expences then there's no need to collect money.  Maybe just have a clipboard for people to sign in with their MAAC number.



Long weekends are out for me.

I'm okay with pizza.

Portable toilets are a luxury

Prizes? for flying? Great idea! Maybe a "least attractive Cub" catagory?




Hi everyone,
This is my first post so I will keep it short[:D] Will help any way I can[:)]


Excellent post, Bruce. [:D]



Im good for one of those days too ... I'll help out too.



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Originally posted by Ken Wilton

Long weekends are out for me.

I'm okay with pizza.

Portable toilets are a luxury

Prizes? for flying? Great idea! Maybe a "least attractive Cub" catagory?


Ditto for me . A lot of people not available, finishing holidays and getting ready for school.
 Will help as usual. Seems that doing most of the BBQ'ing last year was a sure fire way to keep warm. Am OK with BYO snacks.


I understand that it is impossible to find a funfly date that will suit everyone. In fact, I will be unable to attend the York and Beeton funflys; that's just the way it is.

By Aug 7 or 8, I will conirm details and make requests for a funfly at TEMAC on the Labour Day weekend. I hoping to have a casual funfly atmosphere, free to any EMFSO member, for the 3-day period.

I will probably need a volunteer TEMAC member to be on hand on Saturday, and Monday, (maybe Sunday too). I suppose their could be a morning person and an afternoon person each day too. The purpose is to have a TEMAC member present at all times to make sure MAAC rules are being followed (MAAC membership required, no dangerous or reckless flying, proper use of frequency board, etc.)

So far, there will be no formal food arrangements (and no subsequent garbage and clean up). I can still try to get 3 prizes and sell tickets each day as a raffle.

Anyway, I'm going flying at TEMAC today, and then I'll be away for a week. When I get back, I'll make formal plans. If there are any comments or suggestions, please post them.
