Video from my Sailaire taken at the TEMAC funfly

Started by bfeist, September 08, 2009, 03:22:44 PM

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bfeist">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

Got up to 1800 feet. Edited this down from all 45 minutes of video the camera took. Comments on youtube welcomed.

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer




Very cool, Ben.  But it looks to me like someone violated the "Do not fly past 50' beyond the north end of the runway" rule [:)]

BTW, we missed you on Sunday.



The what rule? Oops.

Sorry I missed sunday. It was very windy downtown and Linden and I opted to go to the airshow. Wicked mark 9 spitfire was there and three P51s in formation.

Actually it was quite funny, I had my scanner tuned in to listen to the P51s coordinate their formation flying when one of them bugged out and broke formation after seeing the spitfire come in for an unexpected approach to the island airport. He read boss control the riot act for not telling them the spitfire was approaching wide. Oops.

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer




Ben  What camera did you use ? What video editing software did you use ?



Originally posted by DEdwards

Ben  What camera did you use ? What video editing software did you use ?


I used a Pentax w30 point-and-shoot digital camera. It takes 640x480 video at 30fps. I put an 8GB card in it which gives me about 2 hours of video at that setting.

I attached the video to the side of the Sailaire in a foam enclosure held on with rubber bands. I had built the enclosure a few years ago to take still photos by actuating the shutter button with a servo.

This camera is waterproof too--I'm going to put it on my cub on floats some day.

I edited the video with iMovie on a mac. This was my first time using iMovie--it was very easy and lots of fun.

Here's a shot I took at York a few years ago with the shutter servo setup:

Click here to view image

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer



Here's a shot I took at York a few years ago with the shutter servo setup:

Click here to view image

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer

Holy! What a gorgeous shot!


P.S. We missed you at Beeton yesterday! BTW, it seems like I'll have to send you a check for that Axi motor since whenever I have the moolah you no show and whenever we do connect I don't have the moolah! [:I]


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Sorry I missed beeton. I totally forgot and went to TEMAC instead.

My F5B order just shipped. I'm so excited (and frightened).

Benjamin Feist - EMFSO Website Developer



I'm so excited (and frightened).

And so you should be! [:)] After flying my Bandit at Beeton (which is now up to 1077watts or 407 watts per lb [:0]) and experiencing a "pucker factor" of 10 ... I can't even imagine how that ship that you're getting will go!

I remember you talking a little about it but don't quite remember the details ... care to share again? [;)]



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!