Flying june 13?

Started by patchwork, June 13, 2010, 10:58:48 AM

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hey guys,
  How is the extension of the runway going? Sorry i couldnt come and help. I was sick for a few days.
  So is anyone planning to go flying today? Its low wind and cloudy which would mean not too much sun to bake you while your flying.



Sorry, I'm working today.


Andy Hoffer

Ethereal!  That is the only way to describe the TEMAC field this afternoon from 4:00 and 6:00 pm.  Winds very light and variable, barely a flutter from Jack's new wind sock. Stratocumulus overcast until 5:00 when the sun came out. The field is in superb condition. Beautiful flying conditions to say the least.


Andy Hoffer


It did look nice!

I wish I could have gone. [:(!]
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


The weather network webpage for Stoufville is usually accurate.


Andy Hoffer

And for the real deal you can go to:

Select "Toronto/Buttonville" check box
Select "Plain language" or "Standard Formnat" at the bottom
Click on "Get Bulletin".

This will give you the Buttonville Airport forecast plus the most recent three hours of weather.  Time is 24 hr Zulu (Greenwich mean time): 4 hours ahead of EDT; 5 hours ahead of EST.
1 knot = 1.15 mph = 1.8 km/hr


Andy Hoffer


That would be really neat to have one of those weather stations... Only thing is it would cost alot of money. and It would benefit mostly the people that live farther from the club Such as me where I live in Etobicoke... I think a really good place to check weather is Http:// They have some of the best weather reports.
  By the way. How about june 14-18??? I am free due to some plans which I have scrapped and nothing going on in school. So are you guys planning on Flying? Because I will be spending most of my time Building/Flying(If people will be at the club). And I would really like to help extend the field too.



Uh, Woops, i forgot this is still the week 14-18... I meant the next week... 21-25 i think... Sorry



Originally posted by byrocat

It's the 16th today, and weather looks a bit marginal.

However, I'm going to give it a shot.

EMFSO Formosa Racing #00

Marginal would be an understatement. I'd say flying is out of the question this evening.

Tomorrow looks better, not great, but better.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


As far as the weather stations go, they are pretty cool. I bought one for work last year. It's pretty awesome. And with the extra software you can do a lot of cool things. Apart from the cost, the biggest issue I see with using it in the way you intend is that it needs to be within a certain range of a computer connected to the internet for you to view the data remotely. And I don't see an easy way around that issue. You would also need to place it somewhere on the field where your readings would not be influenced by trees and other obstructions that would give you a false reading (so either somewhere really high up, or several hundred meters from the nearest tree).

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Originally posted by thehaze

As far as the weather stations go, they are pretty cool. I bought one for work last year. It's pretty awesome. And with the extra software you can do a lot of cool things. Apart from the cost, the biggest issue I see with using it in the way you intend is that it needs to be within a certain range of a computer connected to the internet for you to view the data remotely. And I don't see an easy way around that issue. You would also need to place it somewhere on the field where your readings would not be influenced by trees and other obstructions that would give you a false reading (so either somewhere really high up, or several hundred meters from the nearest tree).


That's funny, we have recently installed exactly the same one at work too:


Originally posted by Michael

The weather network webpage for Stoufville is usually accurate.

This site is pretty good as well. It has wind forecasts, but its only accurate out for a day or two. Click on the buttonville arrow.