Started by Papa, August 10, 2010, 03:02:48 PM

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Here's your chance to show off your knowledge of early attempts at Radio Control.


Sorry, forgot to have a closing date. How about Next Sunday at midnight and I will announce the winner(s) in the Tickler the next day?

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Well,  I think it's an escapement but I'm not sure (before my time).  If so, is it from Heathkit?  Just a wild guess.



I would say it's a Heath kit but no clue what it might be.



Clearly this is one of Spektrum's first attempts at 2.4ghz.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


No,  ...

it's the repaired retract in the wing of my P47.



Thank you all for responding and showing interest. I have a strong feeling that we should be aware of history as it gives us a bench mark to judge our progress. Think what modellers of that era are thinking today! they probably could not have conceived how far we've come in such a short time. I feel however that "we ain't seen nothing yet" and the next few years will be truly evolutionary. See the current tickler for the aswer.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


This is sort of interesting, 2.4 Ghz simulated multi channel escapement:

The RCG thread:

Is this an example of "devolution"??

Pat MacKenzie


It must be devolution but why bother at all. Must be some masochists left who don't think modern equipment gives them same challenge as the old stuff. Me bring on the new stuff as fast as you can. For me keeping up with progress is challenge enough without the hit and miss flying you got with an escapement system. Using 2.4Ghz to simulate an escapement seems somehow perverted.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Well, I still fly control line, so I can understand the anachronistic appeal of something like this![:D]

I think there are some out there who still want to fly the old stuff, and don't want to mess with old electronics to be able to do it.
Sort of like the spark plug conversions for modern engines. Or even electrics with cylinders sticking up to look like old motors.

My indoor Minnow has a bang-bang rudder and a two speed motor. It was a lot of fun to fly.
Might have to get it going again for this year, just to remind me how it was way back 5 or so years ago!

Pat MacKenzie


I hope you do I would be delighted to see it. I have missed so much prior to my return to the hobby I find this stuff fascinating.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"