Please don’t hand me cash at the field ...

Started by Michael, February 01, 2011, 10:14:38 AM

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Please don't hand me cash at the field ...

When I come to TEMAC, I want to fly my planes. I do not want to do business. So far, 34 members have paid their dues for 2011.

If you want to fly at TEMAC this season, here's the deal ...

I will remember to pay the lease, pay MAAC costs, have the grass cut, maintain and update the website, make the deposits, balance the books, make sure we have instructors, and promote a funfly.

All you have to do is to pay your annual dues.

If you are renewing, please make a cheque for $80 to TEMAC (this includes your membership in EMFSO), and send it to:

165 Tycos Drive
Toronto, ON




Chances are, some individuals might not even have MAAC, and that will definitely japadize TEMAC if any mishaps happened.

I urge the rest of the members be vigilent, and comply to MAAC rule -wear your club membership card at the field, with a CURRENT MAAC card.

Protect yourself, and the Club's interest.


Of course a current MAAC number is required.

This thread is not aimed at a specific individual; it is aimed at all those who plan on flying at TEMAC, but have neglected to renew.



Isn't there a member list posted on the frequency board?
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


I have my TEMAC card already, but I paid Michael at the field - oops [:I]
(Dome fly actually)

Pat MacKenzie