BUSA Dr-1 1/4 Scale

Started by Gregor77, August 13, 2012, 01:10:07 PM

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I use a mix of ca and flexible ca and wood glue.  Depending on what is required on the build.


I was lacking some images... here you go boys!

The fuse was exciting... I hate making wings and having nothing in the middle!


My next steps are to mount the mid wing and make sure it is level and centered.  The rest of the wings will match to this one...

I will be honest.. I am a bit scared.  I have to then glue it all.

Once the mid wing is done.. I have to mount the lower one and then make the supports for the upper wing. 


Saaawwweeet!   ;D

Looking great, Greg.  That sheeted tutle decking looks so nice.  I'm looking forward to that stage in my construction too.



I have to figure out how to make a cockpit.  I might build the pilot first out of foam. Size him up and build around him.


Oh man, these WWI planes are going to be AWESOME! 


The next step of my build is to line up the center wing to the fuse.  The instructions say this is the "key"  I will be honest, I am a bit scared that I don't mess this part up.   Once the mid wing is mounted, I have to start working on the wing supports.  It's nice to see it coming together.  Electrics are all ordered and all the accessories are hanging on the wall.  2 Williams Spandau machine guns, Large Dubro vintage wheels, and much more. 


Hey Greg!!  Any update for non Facebook users? 

I've been waiting to see this thread start rolling again...   ;D


I am having issues putting images on the site from my I-Phone.. .Facebook is the only way I can post images right now.

I have started building the outter struts, tonight I am going to add the attachment points.  I have to then box them.  I am nervous to make it all straight and true!


After seeing all the other planes going together so well and some getting finished. I started back on the dr-1. Just too many planes to keep working on. So I completed the stab and I am 50% into the tail. Next I need to build the attachment points and make an adjustable stab as the incident is not right from factory. The plane will fly level with too much down.


Nice job on getting back to it, Greg!  Good luck.


I kept hammering away.  Tail done and attachment points built. Just need to block sand and round the tail. This weekend I will level out the tail and hopefully start on the landing gear.


I have a question in regards to re-inforcing the tail post.  The instructions are stating to use a mix of thin and thick CA.  I might be better off to do this and add some thin finerglass and epoxy around the tube also and wrap it around the rear of the fuse.

Otherwise I read the instructions about 40 times last night while listening to China's version of American Idol.   Thank God for You-tube and all the great RC video's.

I think that once the plane is framed up, I am going to add some gussets to the fuse in some key area's.  Even sanding the round edges, some parts broke off.   Starting to wonder about the flexible CA and maybe staying with Thick CA for some of the more durable parts.  Ribs and Stuff are OK, but frame rails, maybe not.

Thanks again for the motivation and I will keep going on this... I don't want to be last at the field on this one...


I'm really glad to hear you're back at it.  We need pictures!


After the swap meet this weekend.  I had a chance to spend some more time on the DR-1   I levelled out the rear stab and squared off the tail.  Mounted the rear tail post and added some fine fiber cloth to make sure it doesn't come off.  Dry fitted the elevator and kept sanding a bit more.  It is starting to look more like a plane now.  This thing is huge and sure enough, it fell off the stand.  I was not impressed with that and will have to thing of another way to move this thing around.  It is getting a bit too big and I am not done yet!   :o

The next step in the instructions are to make the landing gear.  Where can I get some thin copper wire as per the instructions?  Do you think Michael's will have that?  I might head out at lunch and pick some up!