Sig 1/5 Piper Cub J3 converted to Super Cub

Started by sts41, September 21, 2012, 11:49:07 AM

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More work done....Finished the RHS covering...It is MUCH nicer than some of the others I did...Darn Learning Curve.  :-[

Got the Doors in and cut some of the cowl... Still need a cooling hole in the front, but the botton one and the Prop exit are cut. All the electronics are in and bolted down need to work on the battery tray, that should be pretty easy to build.

I get the spray paint mixed tomorrow...And I have some routing to do on the landing gear filler pieces....Then paint all those parts.

At this rate...Should be ready to do some engine running test by next weekend.



Looks great Steve, looking forward to see it maiden.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Hey Steve.  That looks like a great covering job... especially for your first!

Those inside corners where the fuselage blends to the fin are very difficult... almost impossible.  The best approach is to NOT assume that the covering will shrink to just any curvature, but rather plan ahead and think of other ways to approach the fill that requires the least amount of shrinking possible.  Even if it means the use of a couple of pieces.   Try to join over a stinger or bulkhead, etc. to get good seam stability... next time...   :)

Keep up the great work!



Very very nice. Attention to detail during covering takes huge patience but boy does it pay off.

(Personally, I have no patience, which I'm reminded of every time I look at one of my own covering jobs)



Ok...we are down to the details...I should be able to go ground test her this weekend..

All control surfaces are working...Motor is working, I am mostly working on paint and windows...

I will also complete the tail struts tonight, and start painting all of them. All windows should be in tonight also.

Also I checked...and she does fit in the travel box...Bonus  :P



"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Looks great Steve.  Looks like your right on schedule.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Wow Another Great Build!   I guess I am the slacker now!  lol! :-X


So here it is...  8) All but the stickers. They will be added once I have a few flights in.

A few questions about balance for you people that have done Electric conversions... And also with the concern I have seen from others that balance is EXTREMELY important with a Cub.

Build instruction say:
3 1/2" back from the leading edge with an empty fuel tank.

Empty fuel tank being the operative word here... Maybe I am just splitting hairs, and I have nothing to worry about.
With everything in the plane... I am a touch nose heavy....Probably what I would see with a half tank of fuel...To me, this sounds perfect... Let me know what you think.

I was suppose to go ground test it this morning...But mother nature is a cruel B#%^%,  :-X and I have 10 cm of snow out there....  >:( But will probably get to go sometime this week.



They say to balance with empty tank so that you will not run into a tail heavy situation as the fuel is burnt off.   Flying slightly conservative cg nose heavy will be fine. Like 1/4-1/2 inch would be fine
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Ok...It has been about 2 hours since I was done... And I just had to build something else.... An "Option" for my Cub  8)

It is a holder for my video camera.....



Slightly nose heavy is fine.

The most important thing about flying a Cub at low or moderate speeds is to turn using ailerons and rudder.

Turning with ailerons alone could cause a stall and a crash.

I've seen you fly many times, and, in my opinion, you are a good, steady and reliable pilot; I don't think you will have any problem.

Just remember to use rudder and ailerons in coordinated turns (both sticks gently in the same direction).

In fact, when flying my Cub, I often turn with rudder only, and then use opposite aileron to straighten out at the end of the turn.


    Great job Steve!  I look forward to seeing many "Touch and Goes" this Spring, Summer and Fall.



Ok...Got every thing in the box... ;D  Had to take the struts off the wings though  :P

We are leaving Monday, the park will not be open until Monday...So we plan to show up on Wednesday or Thursday.



Steve, great looking build. The suspension on a full-scale cub sits inside canvas bags. You could make little black bags to cover the area of the elastic, or melt just the ends of a big piece of black heatshrink to mimic the look.

Great job.