Balsa USA Eindecker 40 Build Log

Started by gordonbw, September 25, 2012, 06:03:10 PM

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That is nice!

There's going to be a lot of really cool models at the field this year!


You bet! People seem to be building like mad this year!  lol!

So here is the next question, how to we get everyone together to check all the planes out before someone takes them to the air.  Just trying to be proactive and maybe see if the experts can assist in helping before we try to maiden?

The biggest thing is balancing a model.  Power could be the next issue.. Watt test is the most important.  ESC's, BEC's, Servo's, draw's, etc.

We all learned lots over the course of a few years.  I know that I have! I can now work with wood (never before), I can cover (never before), I understand watts, amps, batteries, servo requirements and more. 

I think it would be wise for anyone that never build before have someone look at the planes before they do a maiden. 

I got side tracked, sorry..


But that would take the excitment out of the first flights!   :o

How about the March "Pilots Meeting"?

I guess the problem is, staggered flight ready dates, then the desire to get out flying as soon as the weather starts to show promise (or sooner for some "Ice Pilots"). 

But I like the idea.  We almost need a "Maiden Fest"  ;D  That would provide a meeting time to go over the models as you sugest.  It would allow everyone to become more familiar with each other's models (which adds value to the experience and appreciation for what we're all doing), and would also be an awesome incentive for completeing the builds on time for that event.



The main thing is I don't want anyone to go home with a box of sticks!  :'(   We all spent too much time this winter on the planes.. 

Considering that we all themed them this year! 


I think a new plane check-out would be a great idea for the March meeting!  To speed things up, each of the builders could prepare a data sheet on his plane in advance, with the critical measurements including:

- All-up weight
- Wing area
- Wing loading
- CG location
- Motor KV
- Cell count
- Predicted power output (Watts/Lb)
- ESC capacity
- BEC or No
- #Servos


Got the fuselage and empennage covered today.  Worldtex (aka Solartex) is the nicest covering material I have ever worked with!  Shrinks around corners, trims without fraying, very easy to apply.


Gordon!  That looks amazing!  I got back to the DR-1 last night!  Had some issues, I had working with ply.. I am starting to have a love hate with it.   Back to Pin for some more materials..

Good Job!


Thanks Greg!  I think I will need your advice in weathering it.  Also, I bought this HobbyKing WW1 Pilot, which is going to need some additional work to look decent.  How many beers?


That pilot is the right size for the model.  Just order it.  I can weather the model on my going rate of a 12 of lucky lager... 

I did a few already for my own planes... I love them.  If I could I would order hundreds!

Plus it is well worth the drive to the house....  The motivation factor is endless.

Once the DR-1 is done, it's time to get on the Eindecker too!


Yes!  Looking very nice, Gordon.  You're progressing very nicely.

That pilot looks good too.


Here is the same pilot with some "Cadez" weathering!


Ben's BUSA Eindekker 40 converted to a Pfalz E.I. At this point it is flyable and I need a break. Lots of details to be added over the winter. As is 4 lb 11 oz. Complete I figure it will still be under 5 lbs. This is with a Turnigy no-name 4260-500 and 6x A123 cells. I was hoping to use 4 cells and go with a 16" prop but need at least 5 cells for nose weight. I had a 6 cell pack and broke it up. I might drop a cell and see how it balances.



Stephen, Happy New Year!

That looks great!  You have been really busy! I like the crosses!  ;D


Yes!  Very Nice Stephen,

You and Ben will have to stop by TEMAC more often for some WWI flying this year!


Oh man, what beautiful work on the Pfalz!  Now I really have to up my game.