BUSA SE5a, etc. Build

Started by piker, October 01, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

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Quote from: piker on June 12, 2013, 01:57:07 AM
O.K.  After a two month break to get my Nooner and Sparrowhawk ready, I'm back to work on the SE5a.  I'm so glad to be back at it as I would like to have this plane flying soon.

Great to see you back at this!  I have to get back to the Typhoon myself.  ;D  Been so busy around here with "other" stuff, just haven't had a chance to do RC stuff for a bit.  :( (even my Nooner's been sitting waiting for its maiden for a while now)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I know that we have all been busy with other projects.. .But how is it going?  lol!


Greg!  Are you asking me or Colin?  Either way, I'll answer   :)  I'm in the process of hooking up the control surfaces on the SE5a.  Specifically the pull-pull for the two elevator halves.  Moving slowly as I only get a few minutes, here and there.

Hey Bobby, the Sparrow Hawk flies beautifully as did the Mew Gull.  The Mew Gull had flimsy landing gear which made each landing stressful (and noisy).  The Sparrow Hawks gear is much simpler and robust.  Also the Sparrow Hawk has a bit more wing area.  I'm using the E-Flite 160 on 10 cells in the Sparrow Hawk, and that's the exact power system that the Mew Gull donated after the great crash of 2012!



I'm back at the SE5a and moving ahead.

I've got the control cables hooked up for the two elevator halves and the rudder.  I would have been done sooner is I hadn't accidently cut through the cables when crimping... TWICE.  For years I've simply used side cutter that obviously weren't as sharp as my newer set I'm using now.  The first time I cut through was simply a surprise, while crimping, as it had never happened before.  The second time was just last night as I was snipping off the extra length for the rudder and accidently caught the cable for the elevator that was already finished, adjusted, and ready to go.  I was not impressed.  Anyway, everything is in place now and all that's needed is a little touch-up paint on the horn bolts and nuts.  Oh, and I painted the rudder and I'm happy with the way that turned out.  It's hand painted with a brush.

I figured while I was taking pictures I would show some of the rivet detail I added quite a while ago.  I think it looks pretty good.  These rivet are on the fuel tank that sits between the engine and the cockpit.  Some other careful detailing to create the look of a tank, separate from the rest of the fuselage, my be in order.

Up next, landing gear!




Phenomenal detail! Wow. You must have amazing patience - no wonder Michael's ceilings look so good!

Looks too good to fly!



"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Beautiful work! Man ... this is gonna be sweeeeet when it's done!  ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in
And stops my mind from wandering
Where it will go ....



I'm confident to say that I think Michael needs a holiday. He is slipping in to the level of thinking I normally occupy and that is frightening from such a level headed individual.

Nice work Robert its coming along beautifully a bit at a time
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


My Friday mind.......


Thanks guys.  I'm trying to get it ready for the TEMAC Fun Fly.  Got some landing gear shock cord from Fabric Land... at lunch today.

BTW, Michael and Simon, you shouldn't drink at work...


Looks like something got Robs juices flowing again on this 1/4 scale stuff. Wonder what it might have been......



Well, I'll admit that it was very nice to see your D7 in action, but the juices were already flowing before Kingston.  I just didn't have a milestone to take a picture of before the other day   ;D

Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to work on the SE5a since.  Too many work and social obligations!  But I do what I can, when I can   :)



Successful maiden!

Cut grass and no wind made for perfect conditions, and Robert maidened his nearly-finished biplane.

It was amazing!

I'll post some images, but I'll let Robert talk about it.

On its second flight, Robert let me fly my 1/4 scale Tiger Moth at the same time; that's more than 40 pounds in the air between only two planes!  ;D
