Safety Bulletin - Flying Near Full-Size Aircraft

Started by sihinch, October 06, 2012, 10:47:40 AM

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Further to our last bulletin about not flying in the vicinity of full size aircraft, there is still an issue with model aircraft flying near Buttonville.  I have received a notice from MAAC regarding model aircraft flying at the following locations in Markham:

  • North East corner of Warden Avenue and Major MacKenzie.
  • North East corner of Warden and Elgin Mills.
  • South East of the corner of Elgin Mills and McCowan at a reservoir near the Toronto Helicopter Club.

Activity has been observed on more than one occasion at each of these sites.  None of these sites is registered with MAAC.

If you know anyone who is flying at these locations, kindly remind them that they are flying in proximity to Buttonville airport and must not fly any higher than 400' for safety's sake. Remind them of the issues with full size aircraft from Buttonville reporting model aircraft at their altitude (1000'AGL). If they are willing to listen, encourage them to join a sanctioned MAAC club in the vicinity.



Thank you for the clarification Simon.

As a possible solution I would suggest that anyone flying a glider at high altitude or a high speed model have a spotter while the model is in flight. I observed this as a club rule at a recent fun fly I attened at another club and I think it makes perfect sense. All that's reqiure is for the spotter to call the location and approach direction of full scale craft (ie, full scale at 3 o'clock on a south west heading).

Just my 2ยข worth. ;)