trainer planes

Started by imran1042, October 30, 2012, 04:10:25 PM

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Hi everyone, i just have a question.

It is my friends birthday in 2 days and i want to get him a plane. What are the minimum requirements for a trainer plane that he can get his wings on?                                             
                                                                                                                                                          (size, speed, weight)
Thanks :)
Any day at the field is a good day :)


A Sensei would do fine.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


i will think about that but i am looking for something under $200 for him.... Can i get him a 3 channel plane but upgrade it to 4 channel, will that work? if so what is the required wingspan?
Any day at the field is a good day :)

flying saucer

If you can wait a while this looks like a good choice:

or the Sensei is a great flying model as well.


lol  thats a funny looking plane.. :P .... Thats another thing, is banana hobby a good website to buy from, i have heard bad things about it like they ship the wrong products and that the products or defective?
Any day at the field is a good day :)


I have decided to get him this and buy 2 servos to upgrade it to 4 channel...Any thoughts?
Any day at the field is a good day :)


I've seen a version of the firebird fly and adding ailerons would be tough. It flew well though as it was.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?

flying saucer

Quote from: imran1042 on October 30, 2012, 08:29:47 PM
I have decided to get him this and buy 2 servos to upgrade it to 4 channel...Any thoughts?

I'm pretty sure that would not qualify for a wings test, but good choice for a beginner to learn flight basics with.

Or you go with the tried and tested Supercub. My very first ever RC flight I had it up for several minutes (mostly in control :)) By my 4'th flight it had taught me enough to get my solo flying privileges.


Last time I checked the commander 2 was a two channel plane.  Rudder and throttle only.  I wouldn't bother adding ailerons to it, if the plane doesn't have elevator then it's not really that helpful. Plus it uses a nimh battery, pretty old school.

A wings capable aircraft needs 4 channels of control and should be able to taxi on the field.  The sensei and the apprentice are the minimum in my books.

Why not get him a firebird stratos?  Or go with the micro champ?  Both are good starter planes,  both wouldn't get you your MAAC Pilot Wings but are certainly better than the commander 2.

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


OK thank for the advise Mike, i did not realize it did not have elevators.  :P  ...... I will probably end up getting him the firebird but i am not giving up, still look for 4 channel planes :)
Any day at the field is a good day :)


How about a Multiplex Mini Mag?


I don't think that plane is still on the market?


There's a bunch of Apprentices flying around ROGO. Perhaps someone wants to sell one that's still in fair shape. If the condition is good, it'd probably represent better value than anything new. Why not place a WTB (want to buy) post for a used Apprentice (or something similar) on TEMAC's website and see what happens. You never know!


I'd say forget trying to get something he can get is wings on and go for a fun park flyer.


Wondering if that minimum is based on MAAC guidelines or is it a local club/field/instructor based minimum. Also, are non-fixed wing crafts - heli/quad/tri/etc meet that minimum?  Confused.