Suggestions and opinions for the next plane are welcome.

Started by Bobmic, December 08, 2012, 04:11:19 PM

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Hey Guys,
So I was looking for a plane a while now but I could not nail it down to which one...:) The main requirements are: Steardy landing gear (retructs or fixed) which will easily handle our field, Flaps, can do slow passes and fast, and will have around 60-70inch wing span. Plane has to be design for electric - with a battery hatch.
Power should be from 6, 8 or 10s looking for, 2x3s 4500mAh, 2x4s ~3000mAh, or 2x5s 4000mAh-4500mAh, as for ESC I don't whant something to high on current, was thinking no higher than 80Amp.
This setup should be able to power a 60, 90 and hopefully 120 size motors so for 10lb / ~1700-2000W the performance should hopefully be good - I would like to have more power than just flying straight and level :)

The preferable option was something like the Deuces Wild which is a twin power 25 / power 32, about 10lb 62inch. Unfortunately this plane is not available anymore and I did not see anything else somewhat similar (the Piper Twin Comanche is not as nice but I might reconsider).
Option two will be something in the size of Roberts Zero - a war bird is possible but not German planes please.
I was looking at the Shoestring and the Twister by Seagull - links bellow:

Any suggestions / recommendations will be welcome

Thank you
Bobby ;)


My suggestion - and when you're tired of it, I'll buy it off you.  Please can you make sure that you do a good job of building it right, though!  ;D


Here you go.

Brand new; just announced today.

Flaps, sturdy landing gear, hatch for electric.

Nice plane!

(Don't use the wheel pants.)


This one looks like the pulse.
I need to think about the P51, will take a look for more details. The only reasone I hesitate is because it's a bit too common:).

Anyhow - Simon, if I end up buying it it will be using an Eflite motor and Hitec servos, the ESC will be from our friends across the ocean :)


Too many p-51's.

How about the Mew Gull? Robert Pike had one. It was an awesome looking and flying plane.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


mew Gull is definitely an option even with no flaps - how is this one compared to the Shoestring?

Robert - which motor and batteries did you use on this one?


i saw the Mew Gull at Great hobbies yesterday - Wow what a monster :) looks nice but not sure what's involved and how it flies.
I have an offer to buy the twister from someone that assembled it but did not put any electronics or motor for under $200 - the question that worries me is the wing loading which higher from other planes I checked (as you can see from the table bellow).
Does this mean trouble? Will this plane have to fly really fast otherwise it will fall of the sky :)?


OK Bobby-boy, I'll consider selling my Deuces Wild.

Call me.



As you specified you wanted a made for electric power plane it seems most of the choices are quite heavy and probibly designed for glow power.  A plane designed from the start to be high performance electric will be much lighter.   Just to throw some more numbers into your chart the Su29 from Sebart is:
60"wingspan   800sq" (5.56sq') and 6.25lbs (100oz) giving it a wing loading of just under 18oz/sq'  on about 1200Watts

Remember light flys!
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Thank you ED - these all seemed quite heavy even if they look nice...

Anyhow - Talked to Mike and I will be buying the Deuces so no one Bug him about that one PLEASE :)

Now if the weather will cooperate it will all be perfect :)


What? Did I hear right Michael? You're ready to part with your Deuces Wild?




I offer you one dollar more than what Bobby's offering for the Deuces Wild!!!

(just kidding Bobby  ;D)
