Ice Pilots

Started by Bobmic, January 01, 2013, 06:18:02 PM

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So it is 2013 and looked nice today so decided to maiden my Spitfire but it COLD!!!
I forgot my heated Tx glove at home :( and ended up with frozen fingers but the goal was achieved and the Spit flew relatively nice - It was hunting quite a bit and am not sure it is due to the cross wind or the torque from the prop (I did not change the angle of the motor).


Where was this? 

I thought about flying today, but the minus 10 temperature outside made me stay inside.
Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Congratulations on a successful maiden! Hope all your fingers are still functioning!
I have an HK Spit too and I'm really interested in what you describe as "hunting"...I'm reading that as unsteady pitch.... am I on the right track?
I have to fess up on a related item. Somewhere on this thread, I think I said the CG on my model was 75mm from root LE. I think my memory failed me...I'll try to get down to the basement and check and get back to you.

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: thehaze on January 01, 2013, 07:18:03 PM
Where was this? 

I thought about flying today, but the minus 10 temperature outside made me stay inside.

Happy New Year guys!

It was GORGEOUS today (Jan 1, 2013).  Winds moderate NW 13-17 kmh, but at times near calm.  And -13 to -11 is a spring day in Winnipeg, especially in full sun!  The cold dry snow cover on the field is light and fluffy and perfect for skis.  I rigged up a pair of DuBro aluminum skis for my Sportster and flew it yesterday and today at ROGO.  It was wonderful.  It performed exactly as planned and the slight increase in weight did not impede aerobatic performance at all.  I used rubber bands from the ski tips to the tops of the struts to provide nose up tension at the front of the skis (to bring the skis level after take-off), and string guys from the ski tails to the wing mounting bolts to limit the nose up rotation of the skis after takeoff (see photos). I did not bother with a tail ski.  A little extra power is all that is needed to manoeuver on the ground during taxiing, and the tail comes up quickly during the take-off glide.  Winter flying is fantastic, especially on a sunny day!  No heated TX glove; regular gloves were just fine.

Cheers!  Hope to see more ice pilots soon.

Andy Hoffer


Quote from: Wingnutz on January 01, 2013, 09:18:11 PM
Congratulations on a successful maiden! Hope all your fingers are still functioning!
I have an HK Spit too and I'm really interested in what you describe as "hunting"...I'm reading that as unsteady pitch.... am I on the right track?
I have to fess up on a related item. Somewhere on this thread, I think I said the CG on my model was 75mm from root LE. I think my memory failed me...I'll try to get down to the basement and check and get back to you.

Hi Bill,
I have a separate thread for the Spit on the forum but my CG was about 75mm and when I flew it - it was a bit windy but nothing too crazy. the "hunting" was yaw - left and right, even though not too much it was still there and a bit strange but I didn't try to fix it or investigate too much as it was called and I just wanted to see the plane fly :)
As for pitch I did noticed that when powering up from about 60% to 80% or 100% the plane pitched up a bit but it was steady and controllable at all times.
I will double check the CG and post it on the second thread.
If you want more details please post them on the second thread - that way we can keep everything in one place.



Correct me if I am wrong.  My understanding is that a plane to pitch up on throttle is normal in the case of warbirds?

I generally set my planes up at 50% throttle at level flight.  But it was told to me that it is normal for it to pitch up at full throttle and drop at lower.

On the flip side.. depending on airframe.. some don't follow these rules.

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Gregor77 on January 02, 2013, 09:27:05 AM
Correct me if I am wrong.  My understanding is that a plane to pitch up on throttle is normal in the case of warbirds?

I generally set my planes up at 50% throttle at level flight.  But it was told to me that it is normal for it to pitch up at full throttle and drop at lower.

On the flip side.. depending on airframe.. some don't follow these rules.

That is my understanding too.  Adding power increases the downlift on the stab, pulling the tail down and pitching the nose up.   Andy


It was GORGEOUS today (Jan 1, 2013).  Winds moderate NW 13-17 kmh, but at times near calm.  And -13 to -11 is a spring day in Winnipeg, especially in full sun!  The cold dry snow cover on the field is light and fluffy and perfect for skis.  I rigged up a pair of DuBro aluminum skis for my Sportster and flew it yesterday and today at ROGO.  It was wonderful.  It performed exactly as planned and the slight increase in weight did not impede aerobatic performance at all.  I used rubber bands from the ski tips to the tops of the struts to provide nose up tension at the front of the skis (to bring the skis level after take-off), and string guys from the ski tails to the wing mounting bolts to limit the nose up rotation of the skis after takeoff (see photos). I did not bother with a tail ski.  A little extra power is all that is needed to manoeuver on the ground during taxiing, and the tail comes up quickly during the take-off glide.  Winter flying is fantastic, especially on a sunny day!  No heated TX glove; regular gloves were just fine.
Cheers!  Hope to see more ice pilots soon.

Share your enthusiasm for flying a ski-equipped model...not so much enthusiasm for Winnipeg winters!
Mother Nature provides the ultimate in smooth runways after a snowfall if you can get to the park/flying field before people walk all over it. Will join you at ROGO as soon as my new knee is up to it. Hope there's still some snow left!

Andy Hoffer


If this is normal I will just add a add a mix to the throttle.


You could try moving the CG back a bit to decrease the amount of pitching up as speed increases.

You can check for CG by rolling inverted. Nose heavy will require more down elevator to maintain level flight.

Pat MacKenzie


If its not freezing I will test it again over the weekend and I will make sure the heated transmitter glove goes in the car first,  the only problem is that I will need someone to throw it.

flying saucer

Many planes pitch up under power, especially flying upwind, this is normal. I'm surprised it doesn't happen with your Sundowner?

Anyway the spitfire flew well but did get tossed around a bit by the wind which was 15-20K. Your model is 3 or 4 pounds. A full scale small aircraft which weighs 2000lbs cannot fly safely in winds much over 45K. I think we're doing pretty good..  ;D



Quote from: Bobmic on January 02, 2013, 08:39:42 PM
If its not freezing I will test it again over the weekend and I will make sure the heated transmitter glove goes in the car first,  the only problem is that I will need someone to throw it.

I hear Greg is available.... :)

Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


Quote from: thehaze on January 03, 2013, 11:22:52 AM
Quote from: Bobmic on January 02, 2013, 08:39:42 PM
If its not freezing I will test it again over the weekend and I will make sure the heated transmitter glove goes in the car first,  the only problem is that I will need someone to throw it.

I hear Greg is available.... :)

hee hee the black widow is only free this Sunday... but i think I'll sit on the side lines and watch
"I'm disrespectful to dirt. Can you see that I am serious?"


Quote from: battlestu on January 03, 2013, 11:36:10 AM
Quote from: thehaze on January 03, 2013, 11:22:52 AM
Quote from: Bobmic on January 02, 2013, 08:39:42 PM
If its not freezing I will test it again over the weekend and I will make sure the heated transmitter glove goes in the car first,  the only problem is that I will need someone to throw it.

I hear Greg is available.... :)

hee hee the black widow is only free this Sunday... but i think I'll sit on the side lines and watch

I though the deal was that he is only smashing your planes ....:)