Top Flite DC3 82.5" wingspan

Started by Michael, October 26, 2013, 09:06:21 PM

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Quote from: Michael on January 21, 2014, 12:03:38 PM
A few years ago, Colin Moses ordered a bunch of these, and he got a bag full of various sizes for me.

Actually, I have no more after this model, and would like to get some more.

Anybody know where we can get these?

Mcmaster Carr sells them.
They won't normally ship to Canada unless you have an existing account with them.
If there is demand I can put in an order, pick up (from my place) only :).
(Or someone could pick up and get them to one of the pilot's meetings)

If anyone is interested let me know what size(s) you want.
Lots of stuff there, so look around on the site. They sell almost everything, including the kitchen sink  :)

Pat MacKenzie


Quote from: Michael on January 24, 2014, 07:29:11 PM
I just used fiber-cloth in a way that regular iron-on covering would have been much more challenging.

I covered the middle upper section of the wing with a single sheet of cloth, including the nacelles.

That's amazing Michael!  I can imagine trying to cover that with film covering!!  Very nice work and encouraging to see the material work so well for you.
Yea 400W/lb should about do it.. But wouldn't a nice round 500 be better?


Fuselage mostly covered in fiberglass-cloth; fin being covered.

Slow but steady progress.


The entire model has been painted with primer, except the ailerons, elevator and rudder, which will be covered with fabric-textured iron-on covering.

Next step is to install the motors, and assemble the plane, and figure out where to put the batteries.

Note in the photo that I didn't yet trim off the fiber-cloth covering the center hatches in the wing.
That was simply to keep spray paint out.

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: Michael on February 03, 2014, 02:24:17 PM
The entire model has been painted with primer, except the ailerons, elevator and rudder, which will be covered with fabric-textured iron-on covering.

Next step is to install the motors, and assemble the plane, and figure out where to put the batteries.

Note in the photo that I didn't yet trim off the fiber-cloth covering the center hatches in the wing.
That was simply to keep spray paint out.

What a difference a spray makes!!  :D

Looking great Michael.  When do we do the photo shoot?!



Andy will you please stop pushing the quote button. We've already read it and it takes up too much space. LOL LOL.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"

Andy Hoffer

Hey Michael:

How about some skis for your DC-3?  Just think of that long, smooth runway!  You could even ride on top of it from the highway to pits!



That's a cool picture!

Michael!  You're priming already?  Lookin' good! 




That's a Biggg Plane.
I haven't read the whole thread and maybe you already thought about this: There is a new TV show starting and they fly a DC 3. Paint yours the same?

Actually, I can.


I'm finishing in the scheme shown here:


Moving bits covered; not a single wrinkle!  ;D

These will be painted, too.


That colour scheme is gorgeous.

Can I be 1st in line to buy this plane when you sell it? Lol


   That is coming along really nicely!
  I like Andy's suggestion of skis, that plane is begging for some all weather flying up in the frozen Tundra. lol

Andy Hoffer

Quote from: electroflyer on February 04, 2014, 08:11:55 AM
   That is coming along really nicely!
  I like Andy's suggestion of skis, that plane is begging for some all weather flying up in the frozen Tundra. lol

Yeah!  Michael's favourite habitat!!  ;D
