CL-415 winter project.

Started by wollins, November 11, 2013, 12:03:20 AM

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Looks like it will be ready for Saturday!!!



I'm looking forward to seeing it fly on Saturday.  I hope you can make it to the float fly!


Ok, we're on the homestretch now! Got my leading edge striping done and my landing lights lens installed.  All that's left are my decals and the grey striping on the top of the fuse and beside the nacelles. Since I decided to order my decals from Callie Graphics, I decided that I'd get in a flight first ... just in case. ;)  Afterall I was yet to fly her off grass. Matter of fact she had only flown once ... the maiden at FB. On my attempt to fly her off grass about a month or so ago, she didn't have the umph to unstick herself from the Temac grass and in the process I had burnt out a motor. 

Well, with the more powerful motors and subsequent increased wattage (now at 135w per pound as opposed to the former 105w/lb) she scooted along the grass no problem and was up in the air with no more than a fifteen foot rollout. (or should I say "scoot out"? ;))

Just like the maiden, felt real light in the air, even though at 8.5lbs AUW now she's at least 1/2 a pound heavier than on the maiden. Had a nice comfy flight and a smooth non eventful landing.  Landed as slowly and softly as a foamie trainer!

NOW I can order my decals! lol!


P.S. This plane should win an award no problem at the Temac funfly. "Longest recorded build in Temac's history"!   ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Nice work, Colin.  It was great to see it fly again last night.

You should be very proud of this building project... especially considering it was your first scratch build.

This first build of yours, of a good size, scale, twin, flying boat, is made even more impressive when you consider that the plans you had to work from were vague and inconsistent, the short kit didn't always match the plans, and what little instructions you had were pretty much useless.  And then you figured out ways to modify the design to make is better in many ways and to make it "your own"

Awesome!  Congratulations!


Thanks man ... means a lot coming from you! Decals on the way.  Gonna fly her some more on Friday. :)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Well I got out today and was able to put another couple of flights on her. Man, is this plane ever sweet!  ;D

Wanted primarily to do a stall test and a full flap test. Passed both with flying colours. Matter of fact it really didn't even want to stall! When it eventually did it just gently dropped the nose and mushed forward. There was not even a hint of dropping a wing! 

Full flaps were a beautiful thing to watch, like Robert's CL-215 there was no pitch change as has happened with any other plane with flaps that I've ever owned. Actually it did change pitch, it pitched DOWN slightly, because I had programmed in a down elevator mix when flaps are deployed to counter the usual ballooning.  ;) So. I took out the mix and upon flap deployment it did not change pitch even one iota. Just slowed nicely.




Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


I'm thinking of going counter rotating props ... anyone know where to source counter rotating spinners? (When I say counter rotating spinners, I mean those that have cutouts to cater for the pitch of the counter rotating props of course! )



Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Nah!  I don't know where to get that fancy stuff.  MY water bomber ain't worthy of fancy spinners.

BTW, I'm glad you're liking your CL-415.  That HUGE sense of accomplishment and pride is what you get when you build and fly your own plane.  The hobby is SO much more rewarding when you do.


Don't mind that philistine,Robert.

Here's where you can buy matched pairs. The pusher are contra rotating.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Awww shucks!  Those would have been perfect Jack ... if only they were three bladers.  Maybe if I can find some "blank" spinners and do my own cutouts that would solve the problem. Funny that these are so rare cause contra rotating props in the RC world are not that uncommon.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


For all of those who have had the patience and fortitude to hang in there on this marathon build I have a question for ya! :)  What do you think I'm gonna use this "thing" (see pic attached) for on this plane? 

Hint: I spent nearly two hours in the dollar store yesterday looking for something like this so it must be important! ;)

By now if you've followed any of my build threads you know I use the darndest things sometimes to make a "scale looking" part or two! lol! Here's an example:,4354.msg28354.html#msg28354

So, give it your best shot!  ;D


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


It's a "Phantom Scoop"


LOL Phantom PIC?
A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Ooops! Forgot to add the pic! Now THAT would make it hard to guess huh? lol! Pic added now.

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Dropping on to pretend forest fires, with water in them?

Or maybe a little observation bubble, for the little people to look out of?  ;D ;D


The little curved, observation windows on the side of the fuselage...