CL-415 winter project.

Started by wollins, November 11, 2013, 12:03:20 AM

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Fantastic!  Very nicely done!  You must be proud   ;D


Sure am!  Have to admit though ... that very first night when we were looking over the plans I don't know if I felt it would actually turn out like this.  ;)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Pretty cool, eh?

If only we had more time for building  :)


THIS is why I don't throw away anything! ;) So here I was, scratching my head as to what I could use to make the exhausts and I was kinda stumped.  Thought I'd use a couple of toilet paper roll inserts ... but I felt they weren't firm enough.  So ... went into my TIMUS drawers ("Things I might use
someday!" ;)) and lo and behold, I found the perfect candidates ... Advil measuring cups! The pics tell the story best.


P.S. Fuse has been glassed and is drying as we speak! :)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


   Very nice Colin! ;)
Really looking forward to your big day.
Do you have a tentative date that you are hoping to test fly on?
P.S. I'm not rushing ;D


I've had so many dates that I've given up! lol! My time availability is so unpredictable cause of my business so lets hope for month end at the latest.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


There comes a time when you have to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  >:( THIS is that time.  I've been sanding. filling and priming (hi fill primer) and sanding and filling and priming this fuse for the last week now and this is as good as it's gonna get I'm afraid.  ::) I'll let it sit for a few days cause it's time to do some covering.


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Beautiful!  It looks like a battle ship!   ;D

It's so nice to see how dedicated and focused you've been through this project.  It's hard to stay on one project for so long. 

It looks like you'll have it ready pretty soon!

I've been working my way through my fix-up projects for the past several weeks and have now returned to my CL-215.  First up was to repair the damage from the soaking it received at the end of the season last year, and now I can finish detailing it.  It'll look O.K., but not as nice as yours.  Mine has 17 years of use and abuse under it's belt  :)

I'm really looking forward to flying the water bombers together!


Quote from: piker on May 14, 2014, 12:02:02 PM
Beautiful!  It looks like a battle ship!   ;D

Probably weighs as much as one now too! lol!

Quote from: piker on May 14, 2014, 12:02:02 PM
It's hard to stay on one project for so long. 

Tell me about it.  After this I'm done with any "building" until next winter. The poor Albatross has been relegated to next year's project cause I'm mentally burnt out.  :( (and I still have about three or four ARFs to "assemble" for this season!)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


That's a good plan.  It's better to build during the winter and flying during the summer... for most of us...  :)

Plan to have the albatross ready for April next year.


Tomorrow will make it FOUR months since I've been on this.  Lets hope she flies!  ;D

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


It will be amazing Colin. Hang in there.

Can't wait to see it at one of Piker's Ponds!


Quote from: wollins on May 14, 2014, 12:54:06 PM
Tomorrow will make it FOUR months since I've been on this.  Lets hope she flies!  ;D

Only four months!  You worked on the typhoon for three years!!!   ;D


I was hoping you wouldn't remember that. Damn! :) BTW, still working on the Typhoon.  ;)


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Ok this is taking much longer than I hoped.  >:( There are sooooo many fiddly bits to this plane!  ::)  Anyways ... I've been stymied by this on and off weather. Because we have an infant in the house I've not been able to paint in the workshop cause of the fumes. This has set me back some since I can only do it outdoors now. Here's my current list of things left to do: (mostly fiddly stuff but I've found that this kind of stuff takes the longest time)

1. Install spray rails
2. Paint fuse bottoms.
3. Paint tip float bottoms
4. Prime and paint cowls
5. Poly, prime and paint hull handles
6. Install hull handles
7. Paint fuse yellow
8. Install windshield
9. Install nav lights in winglets (still iffy on this one since winglets are removable the lights have to be "disconnectable" so not sure if it might be worth it.)
10. Install beacon lights in mid wing
11. Install magnets to attach battery hatch
12. Sheet bottom wing saddle
13. Install rear wing attachment
14. FINALLY ... cover wing  ;D
15. Connect all electronics and test the system


16. Add stripes and decals
17. Install faux "wheels", windows and all the extra fancy stuff!  ;D

P.S. I've had to bag my fuse because of the off gassing of fumes. (It's in the workshop)  My family has had to put up with a lot with this build! 

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!