New HK Lanc due Sept

Started by sihinch, June 17, 2014, 08:12:00 AM

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Sign me up for 2!!! This is from the developer, listing all the changes (hopefully to make it better.)

Paul Susbauer

Yes, we will have spare parts.

I have actually moved the 3S 2200mah pack from the nose, to just aft of the wing.

At the same time, I removed the 60g slug of steel weight that is inside the fuselage aft of the wing. (Can't see it unless you cut open the fuse) This is what used to be required to balance it with the battery in the nose.

It now has just one elevator servo instead of 2. Ditched the gear doors (which eliminated 2 servos) as well as the bomb bay servos. (2 more eliminated)

A model of this size it just adds too much complexity and weight to have all this extra scale stuff. I am a big fan of scale models being scale, but we need to be reasonable.

The bomb bay doors are just held closed with magnets. If you want to add the servos back to make the doors functional, go for it.

Dropping 200grams off the original weight means it doesn't tip stall anymore.

I actually originally test flew my lightened version on a 2S 2200mah to keep it really light, though it was a little too scale on the ol' powerband. (Like full fuel, bomb load, and the pilots ate potatoes for breakfast scale power)

So, total it up, 5 servos lost, ditched the external BEC as we only have 4 servos now, better ESCs, no steel slug for balance, plus a sweeter set of graphics. And a cheaper price tag.

If one wanted to, some rudders could probably be cut in pretty easily and use a couple 4.5g servos right in the fin. I may mod one myself.


I'm assuming you are talking about a Lancaster, correct?

If yes, I'm interested!

do you know the price? $$$
Andre Albuquerque

Be careful... it's always too close, no matter how far...


Pass, I am not spending my money on that one.. no matter what they are claiming is better...   At least with the runway I can have some fun seeing Simon fly it... lol!

Plus I have a huge one at home now!  ;o)


Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.


The force is strong with this one!