Started by wollins, September 03, 2014, 11:01:20 AM

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Quote from: piker on August 20, 2015, 05:32:13 PM
Great job!  Very nice covering work!!!

Thanks! Wing finally done ... flaps finally permanently installed and tested ... here she is in all her glory. ;) Only cowls and spinners left to do. How many days til the TEMAC funfly again? ;)


P.S. BTW, that's a six foot long table under that wing.  :o  ;D

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Pics one through four show flap bays finally buttoned up!  ;) (with flaps neutral)  Pics five through eight show flaps deployed within their respective bays. Notice that the throws aren't that great. So much so that it doesn't even seem like it would make a difference (especially looking from the top) but because of the unique movement of the flaps themselves (downwards AND outward extension) they add another 50 square inches of area to the wing.

Typical "Normal" flaps in the planes that are more commonly modeled just come down and don't add to the wing area. Because of the weight of this beast I think I'll need every extra inch of wing area I can get so that's cool! lol!


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Awesome!  I can't wait to see it flying at the TEMAC Fun Fly on Sunday!


   Wow! Colin that is fantastic...and Huge!
Looking forward to seeing it take to the air.
P.S. The Val was always a favourite of mine also. Good luck with both!



Thanks guys!  Cowl attachment rings being attached, cowl tips attached to cowl extensions ... ready for paint. ;)  "Easter egg spinners" ready for primer and paint.  ;D Working on spinner back plates as we speak! It's gonna be close but if I have to pull an all nighter I will! (nothing strange there right, Rob? :)) )


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Wait!  I was joking about seeing it at the fun fly....  Did you have it there?  Really?


Quote from: piker on August 31, 2015, 09:42:30 AM
Wait!  I was joking about seeing it at the fun fly....  Did you have it there?  Really?

I know you were joking cause as you know I need you and your boat for the test flight! lol! However I did intend to take it as a show and tell since so many people have been asking about it and I figured more Temac'ers come out for the funfly than any other time.  However I couldn't get it into the car!  :o


Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!


Ok guys, so this is what would have displayed at the funfly, had I been able to fit it into the car!  >:(  It's at what I call the "show and tell" stage ... about a week or two (tops) to test flight stage. Unlike some of the other builders in our club I'm a relatively slow builder so you're looking at over 900 hours to this stage but I'm pretty pleased by how she turned out.

As she sits here she weighs 240 ounces (15 pounds) and we still have to add the batteries, esc's and receiver. So about another 48 ounces and we should come in at around 288 ounces or 18lbs even.  :) That's about a pound over my projection but at a cubic wing loading of 11.3ozs per square foot I should be fine. The challenge will be generating enough power to get off the grass.  Experience has shown me that I need at least 130 watts a pound to be able to do that.  So that's about 2340 watts or 585 watts per motor. Doable I think but we'll see.     

The first three pics show step by step putting the parts together.


P.S. Some may notice that there is an uneven gap between the rudder and fin, a gap between the fuse and the wing saddle and there is a teeny gap between the tip float base plates and the wing. Not to worry, the rudder hinges haven't been glued yet, the gap under the wing is deliberately built in there to accommodate my waterproofing seal and the tip floats are only tack screwed on for the sake of the pictures. ;)

Three things are certain ... Death, Taxes and CRASHIN'!





Super work Colin. Those spinners and props look so scale.
The whole model looks flawless, can't wait see it on the water.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Wonderful!  That's a fine lookin' flying boat!  So cool!

The lake was calm and welcoming last night and this morning.  In fact, it's been calm a lot recently.  Too bad I haven't been able to get out flying on it.

Let me know when you're ready go.  I have another site near my place that would be perfect for flying and is quite private... if Frenchman's Bay or my place are not ideal...


Hey Colin
Wow that looks Great...
fantastic job...
man you have the touch to create
My Work??? is so secret....
I Don't even Know what I'm Doing!!!