Started by octagon, June 06, 2015, 06:25:24 PM

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I want to say to all how successful I thought the DOO event went. Thanks to everyone who helped out and did so much work. Great job of organizing by Jack. made my job easy. Traffic control, what a great job of keeping people happy. Good job by Greg and Grace showing how to build (maybe be inspired to finish the glider). All the young guys who manned the pop station. Glenn, a masterful job of battery care. If I have left anyone out, forgive me, I am about to collapse in exhaustion. Lot of laughs, lot of good flying, what a great day.
What could possibly go wrong?

Frank v B


re: If I have left anyone out, forgive me,

First of all... you forgot yourself as ATC, Graham and James in parking control, Cliff...the coffee and pizza runner, Gerald who did all the shopping for supplies, Jeff Allen who directed Gerald from his wheel chair so Gerald would not slack off, Bruce who acted as greeter, Jim and Dr John of the morning for bringing their enthusiasm for the hobby in answering questions, Andy H.... for staying away from me, Oscar for bringing two models to use*, Simon for being gracious in the Nooner racing; Greg and Andy for buying the farm with their Nooners

All of us pilots got to do what we love and that is to fly model airplanes so we did not consider it work.  I must say it was much more difficult to fly in front of spectators versus just our members so the youngsters (Brian, and the two Juliens) did well flying under the extra pressure.

Oh, yes... to Jack for kissing the Blarney Stone and invoking the luck of the Irish to pull off beautiful weather after yesterday's drenching rains.


* Oscar, I need to talk to you about your micro jet meeting with terra firma.
"Never trade luck for skill"


Brief report from the "ground traffic crew".

James and volunteer Keith were wonderful working the traffic.
We were really testing the limits of our parking area, but managed to cycle 30 cars carrying multiple passengers 6 times.  (Frank vB, that's like 180 cars in and out!)  That is in addition to the 21-some club member cars parked on the grass.

All without so much as a horn honk!
(Testament to what BJ said—much appreciate your comment, BJ!)

James, I think you said "Will volunteer to help out tomorrow morning with setting up."  But you were there through the entire program and I really thank you so much!  It was a lot of fun working those low tech walkie-talkies.  And we looked pretty official with our vests!

We all did wonderfully today!!



To all who organized and contributed to our TEMAC DOO venue,

As a parking controller at the front gate, I would like to say a GREAT JOB done by all!  Why?

All out guests left TEMAC's gates with a big smile and a "Thank You" for a great time. Folks, we technically "sold out" our air show and exhibits. It was a great disappointment for Graham and I to inform our guests we're out of parking spots and to come back later.

At the end TEMAC had more than 300 guests!

Again, a great job done to all involved!


...All our guests...


Thank you TEMAC! What a day! Wow.

I couldn't have imagined a more successful, fun, well-organized day. Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL the volunteers. You did our club proud.

As I was driving to the event I was thinking about how important our relationship with the community is for us. We all enjoy a risky hobby and one with some attention on it now (due to the rapidly growing popularity of "drones.") I think our show today won many friends and ensured our standing in the community is a good one.

Enough of the serious thoughts - it was a fabulous fun day with so much participation, teamwork and dedication. Way to go TEMAC!


Gerald Danen

It was a perfect day.  A couple of photos to share...

Btw, I left my daughters folding chair at the field, blue with a folding side-table, sunscreen in one of the pockets.  Could someone who will be at the field in the next few days stash it behind the porta-potty please and I'll retrieve it Wednesday, thanks muchly.

"Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance."

Eric Adventurer

Excellent day. Thank you all for making it awesome!

Gerald, I have you chair, jacket and sun lotion. Just sent you a PM.
I emailed Jack with the picture a picture of it last night.

Eric :-)