Number of years flying and forum rankings

Started by bfeist, July 20, 2015, 01:29:26 PM

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Hi all,
I had a discussion at the field with a few members who were confused about what the "trainee" and other titles mean in the forum. These are meant to indicate how active the person is in the forum. The more messages you post and replies you make, the higher your rank. The listing of the current ranks are attached to this post. As you can see, there are quite a few "Trainee" members. I encourage everyone to not be shy; you only have to post or reply 10 times to make the next level.

To account for those of you who have tons of actual flying experience but are perhaps not as active on the forum, I have created a "Started Flying RC" profile filed where you can type the year you began flying RC. To set yours, click "Profile" in the top menu, then in the sub-navigation that appears, click "Modify Profile" -> "Forum Profile". You will find the new field at the bottom of the form next to your real name and TEMAC number.

Please let me know what you think. An excuse to up that post count!



I think that's a great idea. And to make it even better how about a box for "I flew my first model in". Or "I have been a modeller since the year?" That would catch all who started in other than RC because for some of us It hadn't been invented when we first flew.

Let's see just how much experience and resources are bottled up in this wonderful club.

Just an old fart's approach.

A motto to live by:
"What other people think of me is none of my business"


Woohoo, 6 more posts until I am a "pilot"!!!!
Or is it 5 now that I just posted this??  ;D